3. A Stream And A Tire Swing

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Veneer POV:

Velv and I haven't been to the stream in a while; it can be quite pretty if the water's calm.

Orchid kicks a rock in front of her like a futbol, eyeing Velv's direction like she's trying to impress her. I can tell it's not working on Velv in the slightest, as she's focused on her phone.

I can't blame her; our old best friends have kind of been duds. We reach the stream, Velv and I taking a seat on the picnic table overlooking the water.

Orchid walks around with the rock until she kicks it into the water, frustrated, apparently, over the loss of her stone.

Orchid: "I'm bored. I'm going to head back."

Kid Ritz: "I'm going to hang here a bit."

Orchid: "K. Toss me my lighter?"

Kid Ritz reaches into his pocket, flicking Orchid a lighter that she catches, looking to Velv for approval. Velv doesn't look her way; instead, she leans her head on my shoulder and looks towards the water.

Orchid: "Princess? Wanna walk back with me?"

Velv looks at me with a frown, yet gets up. We don't spend much time apart, but I think we both need a chat with our old best friends.

Ven: "I'll see you soon."

Vel hugs me, waving bye to Kid Ritz as Orchid sidles right up to her.

I stare at the stream, watching the water wash over the same stones. I zone out until I hear a clink of a lighter and a small spark of light emit from Kid Ritz.

I watch with a frown as he lights up, still not used to his new habit.

Kid Ritz: "I forgot how nice it is out here."

I don't say anything as I watch lightning bugs dance across the black water. They bob around freely, like yellow little stars fallen from the sky. Kid Ritz clears his throat, getting my attention again.

Kid Ritz: "You and Velv sounded great back there. I also forgot how good you could sing, but damn, that was truly... incredible. I've never heard you sound like that."

I feel a hot blush run on my cheeks, trying my best to blink it away.

Ven: "Thank you. That's nice of you to say."

Kid Ritz sighs, taking a long drag of his joint.

Kid Ritz: "You've... gotten so quiet."

I look at him, confused.

Ven: "How do you mean?"

Kid Ritz: "You're just... not as talkative anymore. Neither is Velvet. I guess you guys just... I don't know."

He looks away as he takes another drag.

Ven: "I don't think that's completely true."

Kid Ritz: "Then is it just around me and O? You two spoke, I think, three words yesterday. You guys just... aren't vibing how we used to. It was so easy before and now... it feels like I'm walking on eggshells around you."

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