aftercare (requested)

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Taylor smiled softly before letting her lips brush against your shoulder blade.

It's almost one am and after spending the last couple hours being intimate, you were feeling the exhaustion creep up on you.

Your heart was starting to beat normally again and your breathing was slowing down as you began to come down from the clouds and the bliss she'd brought you.

"Are you okay, baby?" She whispered against your shoulder. "You feel okay?"

"Yeah." You said as you opened your eyes to stare into hers. "I feel great."

"Good." She said before kissing your lips. "I'll be right back, okay?"

You nodded and closed your eyes to continue catching your breath.

A smile tugged at your lips as your heart began to swell with love.

You're so in love with Taylor and there's nothing more meaningful than being able to express that with her.

Your eyes opened as the mattress dipped beneath Taylor as she crawled back into bed.

She had two washcloths in her hand and she pulled the sheet off of your body to run it along your skin.

"That feels nice."

"Good, baby." She smiled.

"That was just amazing." You sighed happily. "I love you, Tay,"

"I love you too." She said before pecking your lips.

Once you were all wiped down, you took the other washcloth to do the same for her as she laid down beside you.

She hummed and closed her eyes as you took your time to care for her the way that she always does for you.

As you brushed the cool damp cloth along her body, you gave her soft kisses across every inch, just to cherish her even more.

"Do you want a snack?" She asked as she opened her eyes. "I was thinking of grabbing something."

"Sure. Do you want a massage or anything?" You wondered.

She shook her head with a smile.

"If you want one, I can give you one. But I would love cuddles more than anything else."

"Okay." You replied before she headed downstairs as you tossed the dirty washcloths into the laundry basket across the room.

She returned a moment later with the container of cookies she made last night and a bottle of water for you both.

Crawling back into bed with you, you took a few swigs of the cold water as she opened the container.

You happily began to munch on one while Taylor turned on her side to face you better, halfway through one of her cookies already.

"Can we do that again tomorrow?" You asked, making her giggle loudly and joyfully. "You're just so good at making me feel good, baby."

"Yeah?" She grinned. "That's because I know you and your sexy body like the back of my hand, darling. I'd be more than happy to do it all again tomorrow."

She sent you a wink as you finished your cookie and took another sip of water.

"But for now, as we both finish coming down, are you feeling okay? Was that cookie enough or do you need me to order some food? Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"No, baby. I'm good. I'll probably eat another cookie or two but that's all I need. Well, that and some cuddles from my girl."

"I'll give you all the cuddles you want." She said as she pulled you closer.

You grabbed another cookie and put your head on her chest.

"You give the best aftercare." You sighed happily as she began to play with your hair. "You're so amazing. I don't know what I'd ever do without you. I don't even know what I did to deserve you."

"Hey, now," She whispered. "Don't overthink anything. I'm all yours, darling, you know this. Forevermore, I'm yours and you're mine."

"I know." You smiled brightly, making her do the same. "I just feel lucky to call you mine."

"I'm the lucky one." She said before kissing your head.

You finished your cookie before Taylor put the lid on the container and put them on her nightstand.

"I love you." You whispered.

"I love you too." She said as she brushed her fingers along your back and held you close, so in love and so looking forward to more moments like these with you tomorrow, and forever.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Six (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now