she tries to win you back (requested)

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You jumped at the sound of someone knocking on your front door.

You placed your mug down on the counter before sighing and going to answer whoever it was.

"Y/N?" The person asked upon seeing the door open.

"Yes." You answered.

"You have a package." He said before holding a package out for you to grab.

You took it and turned around to set it down only for him to stop you.

"That's not all."

You turned around and reached for the other package, only to see him holding several.

"Have a good day." He smiled and walked away, leaving you with the several packages in your arms.

You kicked the front door closed and set everything down before turning the lock and going to the sofa.

"Who would send me all of these?" You mumbled to yourself.

You began to open them and on each one, you saw a familiar name.

"Taylor. Of course, why wouldn't she?" You grumbled.

Each package was something different but they were all gifts from Taylor, your ex-girlfriend.

You can tell she put a lot of thought and spent a lot of money on the gifts she sent you.

There were things you mentioned during the time you were together that you wanted to get yourself eventually.

But now that you have them all here on your sofa, you don't quite know what to think.

Normally, you'd be happy and so thankful for her doing such kind things for you, though, of course, you would never ask or expect her to get them for you.

But now, you're upset.

You ended things with Taylor a week or so ago after she confessed that while she was on tour, she ended up getting very drunk and slept with someone else.

It was a hard pill to swallow and, for you, the most unacceptable and unforgivable thing she could do.

So, as painful as it was, and it was extremely painful to do, you ended things.

You moved to a different city and got your own place, though you left some of your things behind just because you didn't want to make several trips to get it all.

Because every time you went to grab your stuff, she'd beg you to stay and to forgive her for the terrible thing she'd done and regretted every second since.

And as much as you wanted to forgive her, you just couldn't.

But you're sure one of your friends gave her your address because they all tried to tell you that it was just a drunken mistake and everyone makes a stupid drunken mistake sometimes.

Now that she knows your address, you're sure that this won't be a one-time thing.

Looking at everything on your sofa, you were torn on how to feel.

The jewelry and the clothes there in front of you are things you've been working towards buying and wanted so badly.

But the most special gift she sent was, by far, the flowers.

Not just because they were your favorite flowers but also because there was a note attached and a necklace with a T on it.

"I know you're upset with me. I don't blame you. But I do miss you. Will you please forgive me? Yours forever and always, Tay,"

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