Chapter 29

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Naruto was not the biggest fan of mornings. Despite how many times he would wake up before the crack of dawn on occasion, he wouldn't say that he enjoyed being up so early. It had been a routine to be awake before the clock strikes ten, aided by his trusty alarm clock or someone else barging into his home. That practice didn't stop at all, his internal alarm system got him out of bed early enough that he'd be the first one amongst the others to be in the kitchen.

Well, first if Sasuke actually slept sometimes, but that's besides the point.

When he opened his eyes, the first thing he noticed was the curtains that were still drawn shut. He figured that it was still early, yet the clock on the opposite wall read that it was almost one in the afternoon. The second thing Naruto noticed was the extra weight beside him that definitely did not belong to Sasuke.

Upon further examination, his sleep tainted eyes finally clearing up, he realized that Hinata was safely tucked into his side with her eyes closed. It took everything in his body to not lurch forward in shock, that, and the fact that she was currently holding his arm, so any sudden movements would undoubtedly wake her up.

He looked over at the figure buried in her hair, wrapped like a fly caught in a spider's web. Sasuke was still asleep, his arm thrown haphazardly around her. His face wasn't visible, Hinata's hair did wonders at covering him up, but he seemed at peace. Sasuke has never slept for more than a few hours at a time—his words.

Naruto's eyes softened as he relaxed on his pillow. A small smile spread on his face as he studied the way the two breathed in unison, unaware of how beautiful they looked respectively. It was an image he wanted printed on the inside of his brain, one he didn't want to forget no matter what.

He would have never believed that he would get to this point where being around the two, and knowing that they cared and loved him like he did them, just made everything so much better. His fear was still prevalent, growing bigger the more days that passed, because he now had to worry about the future for them. Worry about their relationship, whatever it was.

He would love for it to continue until the end of time, for the giddiness in his system to remain forever whenever they did something. It was the first time that he's ever found himself longing for something even more despite just receiving it not too long ago. He wanted to envelop them, and be enveloped by them, in love and adoration.

There was no way for him to put his feelings into words enough to describe just how happy he was. Staring at them, he brushed Hinata's bangs back and reached over to cup what little of Sasuke's cheeks were visible.

As he caressed his cheeks absentmindedly, he heard a small whine coming from the woman who was sandwiched between them. It took a few seconds for her to open her eyes, and a fleeting moment of panic flashed through them until they met his soft, blue ones.

"Good afternoon." He mouthed, moving to hold her face instead and have a good look at her.

"We slept in?" She leaned into his warm touch, then pulled back as she winced.

Her attention was taken over by the throbbing in her arm, something he didn't miss as she slowly began to sit up.

Well...Tried to sit up.

Sasuke's grip on her tightened, a dissatisfied huff was heard as he pulled her back down. Hinata yelped as she crashed onto her squished pillow, her eyes widened and her cheeks pink as she looked at Naruto for help. She really wanted to go clean her wounds before the balm's numbing properties faded.

"Sasuke." Naruto called out, the smile not leaving his face as he watched her twist and turn in an attempt to get out of Sasuke's vice-like grip. "Hinata needs to go to the bathroom."

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