Chapter 27

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Hinata tossed and turned in her bed, her eyes squeezed shut as she tried so desperately to go back to bed. She felt exhausted, at the mercy of her thoughts that weren't negative for a change. She didn't know whether or not she liked that; Enkai wasn't even present to try to take away the absolute giddiness she felt. That felt weird knowing that it was all caused by the incident of the previous night. Even now, as she finally settled on her back with her arms spread wide, and her chest moving up and down quickly, she couldn't wipe the blush and smile on her face.

Covering her face, trying to hide her smile from whoever was observing her, she squealed quietly and turned on her stomach to stuff her face into her pillows. Thrashing her legs as a pit formed in her stomach, her heartbeat stuttering, and her mind replaying last night's scenarios, she giggled.

Who could blame her? That was the most intimate thing she had ever done with anyone; and to do it with two of the most, unarguably, sought out men on the face of the Earth was just the tip of the iceberg.

The only problem, however, is how she was supposed to move on after that. What would she do, or say when she meets them? It would be awkward for sure, only if they remembered how close they'd gotten. She would hope that they didn't forget, gods knew that she couldn't, or else she'd feel ashamed for still being hung up on it. Beyond that, what did that make them? Was this confirmation that they were involved?

Friends hook up quite a bit; it was a regular occurrence for some of their teammates to be involved with each other for a night, or maybe a couple of days. The thought of that made her frown though, if that was the case, her heart would break in an instant.

Sitting up with a huff, Hinata flung her bed sheets to the side, ignored making her bed, and walked right out of her room towards the joint bedroom of the two men responsible for her current emotional dilemma. Raising her hand to knock, she hesitated for a second.

It would be great to have Enkai at her side to tell her that she was being stupid. It wouldn't be nice, but at least she wouldn't be filled with so much hope when disappointment was peeking its nasty little head out from around the corner. She just could not find it in herself to not be overly happy about everything today. Even the task to tackle another spirit now that Naruto was back didn't sway her positivity at the moment.

Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door and waited. It didn't take very long for the door to open, a disheveled Naruto stood there with his shirt hanging around his neck instead of actually being worn. He rubbed his eyes, blinked, then smiled at her as he opened the door wider to let her in.

"Good morning." Hinata shuffled in her spot as she waited for him to take his place on his bed.

Sasuke barely peeked out from his own blankets, his messy hair was all that was seen as well as the pale skin of his forehead. When Naruto cleared his throat, Sasuke pulled the sheets down slightly, only revealing his eyes so she knew that he was paying attention.

"Uh, would you two like to train with me? It doesn't have to be now." She glanced at the small clock on their wall, "I just thought that I would ask..."

"Sure." Naruto nodded, "that would be really nice."

"Okay." She smiled, "I'll make something to eat. It's already hot outside, but the forest gives us really good shade, so I was thinking training outside would do some good."

She really just wanted to talk about their kiss, and what that meant, yet she couldn't get those words out. Beating around the bush, and causing any miscommunication would do more bad than good, there was no reason to stray away from the topic. Nevertheless, all she could do was propose that they do some training in hopes that the adrenaline would boost her confidence. She'd be too disoriented to even care about it at that point.

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