Chapter 13

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Naruto walked into the kitchen, rubbing his tired eyes as he surveyed the two of them. Hinata turned around once she heard the sounds of footsteps, and her eyes widened underneath her bandages once she deduced that it was indeed his chakra that stood there. She didn't expect him to stay the night, she actually thought he went home and would be returning in the morning, but he stood there in a pair of pajamas with messy hair.

Her shock was quickly replaced by a shy smile, she wasn't mad that he stayed the night, she knew that Naruto always cared for his friends—she guessed that he was just worried about her or something, he wouldn't stay for long. "Good morning." She resumed her position of resting her head on the table, trying to reduce the chakra feedback she was getting from both Naruto and Sasuke.

"Good morning, you guys are up really early." Naruto yawned and looked around the kitchen to see signs of their previous meals. "Hey, is it alright if I use your bathroom?"

"That's a stupid question." Sasuke answered, giving him a deadpanned look as he raised his eyebrow.

Hinata nodded in agreement to Sasuke's words, she wasn't going to deny Naruto something so basic. He was a guest for crying out loud, so was Sasuke if she really thought about it, what kind of host was she to tell him that no it was not okay for him to use the bathroom?

"I wanted to make sure since I'm uninvited and all."

"Sasuke isn't exactly invited either." Hinata muttered, earning herself a glare from her dark haired guest.


"Do you need a towel, or a toothbrush?" Hinata asked, feeling him leave the kitchen, but not wandering too far away.

"I actually brought my own things." He laughed nervously, "I spoke to Sasuke about staying for a while since you were asleep. I really do hope that I'm not intruding or anything."

She raised her head slightly, turning towards Sasuke as if to ask him whether or not Naruto was speaking the truth.

"He doesn't want to go." He muttered, never giving her the reason behind it.

She wasn't exactly stupid, she was able to connect the dots pretty quickly, which made her frown and hide her face in shame. "You're not."

"Okay! Good, I'm going to take a shower."

Hinata listened to his footsteps until a door closed behind him and the sound of running water filled the house. Her frown deepened as she furrowed her eyebrows. "You told him?"

Sasuke shook his head, "he heard. The Nine Tails—Kurama—also informed him about whatever is happening to you. You and I both know that he wouldn't abandon you after finding that out, and lying wasn't really an option." Sasuke looked outside the window. "The sun is rising, it's foggy outside but I doubt that that would cause any issues."

Hinata sighed, "alright. I suppose he'd want to know what I have in mind."


"Mhm." She stood up and motioned for him to follow her. She opened the door to her room and allowed him to step inside. It wasn't as messy as it was before, she tried her best to clean up after herself once she woke up, so there wasn't anything stopping Sasuke from truly navigating the room. She was glad too, knowing that Naruto would never see the mess she usually makes during her possessions.

Speaking of Naruto, the blond man was out of the bathroom quickly. His hair was wrapped in a towel, and his pajamas were replaced by an orange shirt and black shorts. The moment Sasuke caught sight of him, he scoffed; somehow, Naruto managed to acquire every orange article of clothing in the village. The shirt was new, he's never seen it during the time he spent at his home, and that was stupidly hilarious seeing him with a new orange shirt. Sasuke had half the mind to poke fun at him, but the serious look on Naruto's face as he took a peek into Hinata's room made him shut his mouth.

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