Prologue - The Three Hatada's

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"Is your heart still asleep?"

"Fine. It can wait for a bit. My wish doesn't have to reach you just yet. Not until you wake up."

"Whether yesterday was unhappy. Or today is unhappy. Or tomorrow will be unhappy."

"For every tear that is shed... rather, because tears will be shed, there may still be smiles in the future."

"There's no law that enforces kindness in the world. The world is empty. The world is unreasonable. But, however, because of that."

"You must give meaning to your tears through your will. You must give meaning to the sadness and pain you endure. Because it'll be unrequited. Because it is unfair."

"Most importantly, use your tears to smile. I'm sure your future will be wonderful."

"So give meaning to the tears."



Those words were what Rei Hatada remember from her deceased twin sister. Kuon Hatada said upon her first arrival in Purgatory.

It has been around 2 months since the defeat of Mephistopheles, and Mirai and Anamnesis went into the Cogs Of Renewal to reincarnate.

Nanana became the new manager of Purgatory and is doing a great job of stopping revenant's from going into the real world to collect souls to achieve Revival.

So what was going on?!

Rei Hatada woke up in what she thought was her room, but quickly noticed something was wrong.

Rei: What..? Where am I? Am I back in Purgatory?

Rei then looked down to see Thelema lazing around as usual.

Rei: At least I still have you here Thelema...

Rei began playing with Thelema to calm herself down a bit.

???: Big Sis... We meet again...

Rei knew that voice... she turned behind her to see a butterfly... or was it a Soul?

Rei: That voice... it's you... Kuon Hatada...

The butterfly then glowed white before changing into the form of Kuon Hatada.

Kuon: It's nice to see you again Big Sis... I just wish it was under better circumstances.

Rei: Kuon... what's going on? Where are we?

Kuon: I don't know everything... but a lot of Specter's, Revenant's and Executor's have collided with this world. I at least got this world's name... Remnant.

Rei: So this is a new world? Wait if you're here... and this isn't Purgatory... do I have access to my Purgatory outfit, my weapon and Heraclitus?

As if to confirm... Heraclitus suddenly appeared infront of Rei and Kuon.

Heraclitus: Master Rei Hatada. I can confirm that is indeed the case.

Heraclitus then disappeared.

Kuon: There's also something that will surprise you... in the next room.

Kuon pointed towards a door that was next towards them.

Kuon: I hope you'll survive Big Sis... and get your second chance to be the good Big Sis you've wanted to be...

When Rei turned to look at Kuon. Kuon wasn't there. Confused but also nervous, Rei slowly entered the room, and was met with something that shocked her.

There was a young girl sleeping there. The girl had pink hair tied into ponytails, and was wearing a pink sweater with a short red skirt.

It was Mirai Hatada, Rei's younger sister.

Rei: Mirai!? What!? How is she here...

Mirai stirred awake and was yawning.

Mirai: *yawn* Morning Big Sis Rei... Huh!? Wait what!?

Mirai looked around and at her own hands to confirm something.

Mirai: What's happening? I thought I was reincarnated from the Cogs Of Renewal.

Rei: So did I.. but you're here...

Mirai looked a little upset... as she began to talk to Rei.

Mirai: I shouldn't be here... I shouldn't have come back...

Rei: Mirai?

Mirai: I'm scared... of the side that is obsessed with you... it snowballed into the situation that we're in... everything happened because I caused the bus accident... just because Yuri was your friend... that Anamnesis was caught in it... causing her to seek revenge on me...

Rei: Mirai....

Rei held Mirai's hands a comfort tactic Rei gave Mirai if she felt afraid...

Rei: Boop!

Rei then squished Mirai's cheeks, just as Mirai would always do to her. Mirai looked surprised.

Rei: I'm glad you're back Mirai... I can have a second chance... I get to be a good sister again..

Mirai: I... want to be a better sister aswell... I want to keep my obsession under control... cause it caused despair for us all...

The two Hatada siblings hugged.

Mirai: I hope this time you eat more than just potatoes Big Sis..

Rei sighed and shook her head.

Rei: And there it is...

They would spend the next couple of weeks getting used to what Remnant had to offer. If only they knew what they'd just get themselves into...

Prologue Clear!

Volume 1 Up Next!

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