I Beacon Beginning's - Ruby Rose, Rei Hatada and Mirai Hatada

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[I Beacon Beginning's]

Ruby Rose, Rei Hatada and Mirai Hatada

Execute the Ordeal!

The two Hatada's are walking down Vale late at night. They were hoping to look around and see just what this world has to offer.

"So this place is a Dust shop? Dust Till Dawn... What use would dust have? It's just stuff that builds up on surfaces right?" Mirai asked.

"Normally I would say yes, but it could be that the Dust in question is actually something else entirely." Rei answered.

"Okay Big Sis, let's check it out!"

As soon as Rei touched the door handle though, the window shattered open as a man dressed in a suit flew out of it. And with him a girl dressed in red and black, welding a comically oversized scythe.

"Is she an Executor? No wait... she doesn't have a blue halo over her head like me Kokoro or Sen.." Rei thought.

Inside there were other men dressed in suits and the leader apparently was wearing a white trenchcoat and bowler hat, and had red hair.

This, is Roman Torchwick.

"Okaaay, get her!" Roman ordered then he took one look at Rei and Mirai. "And get them aswell for good measure!"

"Mirai! Get behind me! You don't have a way of defending yourself!" Rei yelled, as Mirai did so.

Rei then summoned her sword which she named Tear Rheology and was ready. "Heraclitus!" She called as her Guardian was summoned beside her.

The girl with the scythe had her eyes wide and sparkling as she looked on Rei's sword and Guardian with awe "Ohmygoshthat'sacoolswordandthatrobotthingsummonedsocoolit'sagreatweaponandsemblencecomboyou'vegottotellmelater!!!" She yelled quickly.

"S-Slow down... you talk too fast.." Rei sweatdropped, not being able to keep up with the girl's energy "This girl reminds me of Nanana a little bit..." Rei thought.

"Ah sorry.. I'm Ruby Rose." The girl now known as Ruby introduced herself.

"Rei Hatada, and behind me is my little sister, Mirai. Now let's deal with these goons." As she went on the attack, using her Spin Slashes, Wrath Blows and Rain Ray's, whilst Ruby was swinging around her Scythe called Cresent Rose and was using the recoil of her scythes gun part to take out the goons.

As they took out the last one, he slid right next to Roman who sighed at their incompetence "You were worth every cent, truly you were..." As he crushed his cigar beneath his cane he looked towards the three, "Well then Red, Zero and Past, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I'd love to stick around..."

He then pointed his cane at them the bottom of which flipped to reveal crosshares and a gun underneath it. "I'm afraid this is where we part ways." He then fired a flare from his cane gun that the three was able to avoid.

When the smoke cleared, Roman was gone. But the three saw that he was making his exit up a ladder. "You alright if we go after him?" Ruby asked the shopkeeper to which he agreed.

Whilst Ruby used the recoil of Cresent Rose to quickly scale the building, Rei had Heraclitus whisk her and Mirai to the top of the building.

"Hey!" Ruby called out. "You won't be escaping!" Rei said. Roman grumbled, "Persistent..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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