chapter 1 - unexpected

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the hot summer sun was burning through my classic, typical checkered, white, red and blue school dress burning my back a little.
i opened the doors leading into the school halls, feeling relieved that the school had the aircons on. it was a pretty hot day in Sydney and considering summer had just started i wasnt really used to being back in hot 25+ degree days yet. i went and leaned against a cold concrete wall to cool myself down. i pulled out my timetable and as i was reading my timetable to see what class i had first up, I realised that i hadnt been watching where i was, causing me to look up to check im not in anyone's way. I looked up quickly and looked back at my timetable to look up a second later, I seen Michael! (A/N michael is like 17 in this story if you havent caught on yet xx)

now before you say anything, no. Michael isnt my best friend or boyfriend, he was barely even a friend but since i changed classes into a lower maths, (because i suck at maths) i thought i should make a friend in there and michael sits beside me. i hardly know him but i do know he changes his hair into crazy colours every week and he plays guitar.

since we had a double maths period, i decided to walk over to him and ask if he wanted to walk there together now that he wasnt surrounded by a bunch of friends. as i got closer to him, i noticed how glum he looked. his green eyes werent as bright and he wasnt smiling his normal charming smile. noticing him in this state made me proceed with caution, not wanting to make him even more upset or angry or what ever he was feeling.

"Hey Michael" i said in a casual tone because like i said, i didnt want to annoy him more.

"oh hey, Belle" he gave me a small smile.

"um, we have a double maths period so i was wondering if you wanted to walk together?" i said a little more cheerful and with a smile.

"huh? oh yeah sure." he said barely looking at me. was he okay? i was genuinely worried for him. I mean he was a pretty popular guy, he was cool, so guys liked him and he was really really nice so girls liked him. ive never heard anyone talk bad about him so i dont understand what could be the matter, it couldnt be social as he was just surrounded by friend minutes ago, probably why i didnt notice him when i first walked through the doors.

we started walking, michael kept his head down looking at his shoes. he was wearing casual black jeans, which i dont know how he could because it was super hot. he wore an ozzy osbourn singlet and black converses. he still had his hair black which surprised me because he usually changes it over the weekend.

"i fucking hate mondays." i hear him mutter which caused me to let out a small chuckle.

"youre not the only one!" i tried to joke with him, he barely even smiled which caused me to be a little taken back, i mean i know that was probably the most lamest joke ever but he usually tries to laugh.

"hey," i cleared my throat thinking of how to word the question without upsetting him. "are you, um, you know okay?" i mentally punched myself. that was the most awkward and non friendly way to say that but it did cause him to look up at me for the first time today even though he still said nothing.

we walked to the class and just as i was about to open the door michael stopped me.
"do you think i could chill with you at lunch?" he asked, letting out an awkward cough. i nodded and smiled. "of course, i'll be with the girls, meet me at the-"

"no." michael interrupted which caused me to frown. why was he being so blunt today? i know we arent really friends but he's never spoke to me like that. he sighed and he ran his hand through his hair.

"im sorry, i just wanna be alone. like me and you. i wanna talk about some stuff without getting judge. the boys wont get it." he looked back down at his feet, obviously nervous and embarrassed but it have me comfort knowing that he trusted and felt comfortable with me.

"yeah, of course." i smiled and opened the door into maths.

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