chapter 3- even glow sticks have to break before they glow

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"so she just said, 'michael, im going to die, i have a brain tumor'?" i asked in disbelief. "can you tell that story again because i dont understand how she was so calm and had an "i dont give a fuck attitude"!"

"really belle?" michael chuckled. i shook my head with a smile, glad he knew i wasnt actually making him tell the story again.

"trust me, i cant believe she walked through the door and sat next to me and just busted out that she's dying either." michael choked back a few tears at the last few words. basically michael's mum was out late saturday night and literally walked through the door announcing she's really sick.

"and your dad? was he there?" i asked looking at michael. he looked back at me and sighed. "yeah, he thought she was joking, the same as me because of how she announced it but when she went into more detail of how she knew she was sick and went to the doctors and stuff he started crying, then i cried then mum started crying." he took a deep breathe which had my heart racing because i knew what he was gonna say next was gonna make him cry again. "and then she had the nerve to start talking about her funeral and will!!" michael spoke, half annoyed, half sad, a few tears trickling out. i reached my hand over to place it on his own.

"well, i think she's just preparing, you know if anything does happen." i said carefully not trying to anger him as this was a serious subject.

"see!! IF! if is the key word here! people can survive this stuff. dad got as mad as i am that she's just giving up, not even trying to beat the disease." michael huffed. my eyes softened as he looked in my eyes and i seen the pain in his green eyes.

"im sorry belle. i dont mean to yell at you, i guess just not ready to lose my mum. im 17! i need her." he was sobbing now which made my reflex kick in as i was by his side hugging him as we sat in silence. a few minutes passed and i finally decided to speak up. "michael, no ones ready to lose their mum, i think you should have a chat to her. make her see the positive outcome." michael wiped his tears nodding. "i might try tonight" he sighed for the millionth time today.
"also, remember she only found out recently. when most people hear that they instantly think, 'that's it im not going to survive.' 'its so rare of a chance to survive' you know? maybe today she was like 'you know what i could beat this'" i paused as michael looked at me with an unreadable expression which is probably because im acting like i know his mum and how she speaks. "i mean i dont know her at all but maybe, i dont know sorry." i looked away from his burning glare. "no that actually sounds like something she would do" he laughed. i looked at him confused, "then why did you glare at me like that?" i questioned. "because its crazy how much you can make me feel better." he smiled at me. i blushed away, "i really didnt do anything, i just listened.." i look back into his eyes. "some times thats all i need" his eyes flicked to my lips and back. he seriously isnt gonna kiss me is he?!

he looked up at the birds flying past the clouds and sighed, again. "do you think you could come with me after school, you know for moral support?" he asked, in a hushed toned from probably nervousness.

"uh yeah but wont it be weird? shouldnt you do it alone? with your dad?" i asked

"no because like i said, you make me feel better." he smiled up at me with a slight blush.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2015 ⏰

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