Fallen Stronghold (Early 1800s)

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Tool-builders: Great Apes

Wrong-ones: Skull Crawlers

Renegade: Skar King

Traitor: Corrupted Gojira 

Location: Ocean off Skull Island

Even before making landfall, Gojira could sense the natural biosignatures having vanished, and the biosignatures of the wrong ones having taken their place. Even while approaching, Gojira did not know why he was investigating the last stronghold of the species that desecrated his own and left him the sole survivor. The species on this island had fought along side him against the renegade, yes, but only after they helped the renegade kill so many of his kind. He wasn't sure what he even felt about this species. Joy at their fall, sorrow at their extinction, rage at the wrong ones that killed them.

He'll decide when he got there.

With a massive step, he stomped onto the fallen stronghold, known to modern man as Skull Island. The coast seemed surprisingly quiet for a moment.

Too quiet.

No leafwings, no birds, insects, or animals making a noise, since their biosignatures were not present. A short walk into the forest revealed why. They were dead. Leafwing skeletons littered the earth, along with other smaller animals that lived along the coast. He huffed. This was not a result of a normal hunt. A normal hunt would have left skeletons, yes, but once the predator had its fill, it would leave the rest of the herd to survive, unless an entire predator tribe went to hunt. Even then, this seemed excessive, even for him. The land reeked of death. It smelt wrong. A disaster of this scale needed to be investigated, whether it was Tool-builder territory or not. And if tool-builders get in his way...

He was one of the 3 Gojiras that survived the war against them. He can handle a couple more.

The first sign of the intrusion became clear when he laid eyes on a skeleton of a buffalo. Well, skeletons of buffaloes. Blood colored the lake beside it a crimson red, and in the skeleton he was looking at, he saw a creature snarling as it tore off another chunk of flesh from the already decomposing buffalo. The creature's head looked like a skull, with 2 legs and a long tail. The moment he looked at it, he felt utter revulsion. It obviously didn't belong here, and given its size, it on its own probably hadn't killed this many. The buffalo herd would have stomped it to death or speared it with its horns. That meant there were probably more of them. An invasive species. He growled. After the threat Ghidorah, the Renegade, and the Traitor had posed, he had no tolerance for invasive species and members.

The wrong one looked at him, as if realizing that he had arrived. It snarled at him, seeming as if it was sizing him up. Gojira looked at it with mere contempt. He didn't want to waste star-fire on him. It roared and charged at him. A sweep from the tail was enough to throw it a far distance. It fell in a heap, twisting and turning and writhing in agony. Gojira sneered at it, before turning. It posed no threat to him, and having been paralyzed, it would lay there until some other predator kills it.

Gojira continued for long while, thunderous footsteps rustling the trees and shaking the earth beneath. At this point, he had expected a Tool-builder to stop him, or challenge him. There wasn't any. They were probably dealing with the invasive species. And with how little there were left that he could sense, and the growing number of wrong ones, poorly.

That was proven when he came upon the first tool-builder he had seen in a while. The dead body lay there, and closer inspection revealed multiple tiny structures. The homes of the human tribe that followed the Tool-builders to the surface. The reek of death wafted from the corpse. A fresh kill. 

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