Chapter 4

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Warning: Animalistic behaviour, hunting

Location: Skull Island

The Child huffed and panted as he struggled to climb another mountain. This one was shallower than the steep cliffs, so he could climb it easily. He shook his body, letting the water droplets from the 5 different times he had to wade through the waters splatter off of him and into the soil below. While the feeling of being drenched was uncomfortable, it was a blessing in the midst of the hot fire ball that burned the ground from above.

Since the fireball was atop the trees, it was close to afternoon. His stomach grumbled. He grasped it, then steeled himself. Just a bit further, and...

He was now atop the mountain. Well, a hill would describe it better. He huffed. Taller cliffs huddled to the side of the hill, blocking those views. He looked down. At least he could see what was in front.

Another river. The child wanted to screech out in rage. Why were there so many rivers in this island! At least this was a small river, compared to the bigger one he had to cross from the cave. Before he could think of his next steps, his stomach roared again. He clenched it. He needed to eat. But eat what? The greenery?

He paused, then plucked some of the green blades from the soil. He peered at it, then put the blades in his mouth. A second later, he spat them back out in disgust. Why were they so bitter tasting? He glared at the greenery for tricking him, then slammed a fist onto the blades he had spat out.

His anger at the blades was interrupted by another smell. This one seemed appetizing, despite being faint. It smelled like...

His eyes widened as he remembered.

Like what the lizard caught. There was a stench to it, but it smelt familiar. He looked down from the hill, trying to find the source of the smell. Then he saw what looked like tiny... caves? No, they were not in the cliffs. They were separate, and dotted the landscape across the river. He squinted. Whatever it was, it must be where the smell was coming from. He was too hungry to care otherwise. He’ll eat first, then find out what they were later.

Location: Iwi Ruins (Skull Island)

Luckily, this river had some log crossing it, which meant he didn’t have to dive in the water again. He let out a hoot of satisfaction, before going back on all fours once he reached the other side. Now that he was closer, he could see the tiny caves. And that was what they were. Rocks stacked on each other to form structures almost half his height. He cooed, deep in thought. Who was all of this made for? Everyone he had seen was bigger than him. Was there someone smaller? That would be new for the child. His roaring stomach tore him out of those thoughts. He looked around, trying to find where the good smell was coming from. He crept closer to the source of the smell. It was behind one of those structures.

It didn’t look like any sort of meat he had seen. But it smelled like one, so it was one. A massive charred meat chunk, resembling one of those giants that were in the water. It was on some sort of platform extending up to above his height. Again, this was made of stone. Above the chunk, black dots swirled and ducked into the pile, before flying up and around again. The child didn’t know what it was. He glared at the dots. Whatever they were, they were competition. He wanted the meat. So, he reached up, swatting away at the flies, and pulled at the edges of the meat. It was surprisingly lighter than he thought. So, he used too much force, and stumbled backwards. He fell, and the meat slapped onto his face. That small sense of victory was overshadowed by a loud roar that engulfed all other noise as the black dots descended on him with a violent fury. He screeched, crawling back and into one of those stone structures, which collapsed under the weight of a recently born Child. He grunted in pain as the stones cut into his skin. He managed to get to his feet, then swung the meat at the buzzing dots. The dots were loud, the sound drilling into his ears so hard he dropped the meat and grabbed his ears. Pain ignited in both his arms. The familiar smell of blood wafted through the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06 ⏰

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