Prologue / Ao' Pt 1

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I was awoken by the sound of my phone buzzing. One after another and I knew exactly who it was. I turned to my bedside table and picked up my phone, half-asleep. Lila had messaged me probably thirty times. I rubbed my face with my hands and began to read them.

"Baby where are you?" 7:21

"Babeeeeeee" 7:22

"Wake up sleepy bear" 7:24

She had always been like this, even when we first started dating. Most days I get spammed called until I finally get the courage to answer. I mean, it's not like I don't love my girlfriend but shit, that's annoying. One of the only plus sides about Lila is that she's the hottest girl in school. Big tits, small waist, and a pretty face. Almost any guy would die to be with her. So I didn't mind the clinginess if it meant most guys were jealous of me. Another plus is that my mom likes her. Which is super strange because my mom neverrrr likes the girls I bring home.
"Gm." I text back. I really wasn't in the mood. I had stayed up all night working on Mr. Greyson's daunting project. A 500 word essay, a slideshow, and a full book report on the book 1984. And I couldn't skip this project like I usually do. This one was worth half my grade and I cant afford to fail. Not if I want to keep playing basketball. My grades are already bad and l have a GPA of 2.3. I've never been the best at school, but my parents forgive that because of my dedication with basketball. I've been the team captain for four years. Coach made an exception and allowed me to run the show as a Freshman and as a Sophomore. I was just that good. My skills on the court allowed me to get a full ride into UMA, the highest ranking college for basketball in the Northern region. I just have to keep my GPA above a 2.1 which, some days, is a challenge.
"Ao'!" Shit my mom was yelling at me.
"I'm up, I'm up" I replied back. I checked the time. Fuck, I'm late. I quickly jumped out of my bed, grabbed my clothes, and headed to the bathroom. I only had about 20 minutes to get ready which wasn't close to enough time. It takes at least 15 minutes to do my hair and about 10 for my skin. Fuckkkk. I have to skip one or the other, so I decided to skip my hair and throw on a beanie. I grabbed my several bottles from my drawer in me and Reya's shared bathroom upstairs. My skincare is very important to me. As I apply my favorite products, I hear a giggle from around the corner. Reya.
"What do you want Reya." I reply monotone.
"Oh nothing, just admiring your fifty-step skin care routine!" She remarks, pushing me away from the mirror in the bathroom.
"It's not fifty steps, and at least I don't look crusty like you." I smirk and she laughs. I feel a buzz in my pocket and I can only guess who it is. Lila is calling me. Already.
"What's up babe?" I say annoyed as I pick up the phone.
"Hi babyyyy" I roll my eyes. I wish she would just leave me alone.
"Do you need something?" I feel Reya side-eye me as she combs her hair.
"Just wondering when my baby is going to be here"
"In a minute." I say shaking my head. She is on my last nerve.
"Oh okay- Bye then." She says and hangs out. Finally.
At this point Reya was gone and I was close to being late. I grab my bag from my room before heading downstairs.
"I thought you'd never be ready." My mom jokes. I sit down at the dining room table and eat a bit of my breakfast. I scroll through my phone until we're ready to leave.
"Are you okay?" My sister asks hitting my arm.
"Yea, just tired." I answer looking at her.
"Whatever you say" She shrugs.
I give my mom a hug and and Reya does the same. We'd always been close to our parents, which is something I love.

"Can I drive?" Reya questions. She recently got her license and practically begs me everyday to let her drive to school. I just can't say no to my baby sister.
"I guess.." Reya squeals and hops to the drivers seat. She turns her music on before leaving as I call Roxto, my best-friend.
"Yooo! Whats good?" I say as he picks up. Roxto has been my best-friend since fifth grade. He practically lives at my house, coming over almost everyday.
"Ao'!!" He replies.
"Am I picking you up?" He asks. Roxto usually gets a ride from me but sometimes his aunt drives him if she's not busy. He says yes and I tell Reya to head that way. By this time it was 7:37 and we needed to be at school by eight. We get to his house and he gets in the back and we head to school. When we got there, Lila was waiting outside of the building for me. Oh my god. I get out and I'm dragging my feet, regretting even waking up this morning. My mind was awake but my body was so tired and I just can't deal with Lila today. I finally reach her and give her a side hug before we walk into the building together. I walk her to her class and I'm relieved that she's gone. As I'm walking to my class, my eyes meet a person I don't recognize. A tall, slender and tan boy walking into my class. His eyes were a dark shade of green and his hair was in braids. He must be new because I've never seen him before. I am so distraught by him I run into someone next to me.
"Watch it man!" The kid in the hallways exclaims.
Usually, I take a couple laps around the school because I hate my class. But something about this boy draws me in.

And for the first time, I'm on time.

i promise the next part will be much more in depth and longer. trust and stay with it :DD love yall <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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