Chapter 1: An Old Acquaintance🍋

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3rd Person POV

Kiyotaka turned around to face the person who called him handsome. The voice sounded very feminine, so he could only assume that the person was a female.

He turned around and his assumption was correct, the person who called out to him was in fact a female. She speed-walked over to Kiyotaka and walked side by side with him.

At that moment, Kiyotaka decided to make friends with this girl as fast as possible. Not because he wanted to have sex. But because he needed to live... totally.

Ichihashi: "Hey there! I'm Ruri Ichihashi, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Kiyotaka: "Hey, my name is Kiyotaka Ayanokoji. The feelings mutual."

Maybe it was a mistake not putting any of his points into speech. Kiyotaka's social skills were always horrible, probably because he was isolated from society for most of his life. But it's not like he could tell that to anyone.

Throughout the bus ride, Kiyotaka could feel a pair of eyes looking at him. He mistook that for someone just looking around and glancing at everybody. However, he was wrong. It was probably Ichihashi who stared him down.

Ichihashi: "I'm from Class D, what about you?"

Kiyotaka: "It looks like we're both in the same class."

Ichihashi: "What a coincidence, I hope we can become great friends."

These two continued talking and conversing with each other, walking in the same direction. Passing through the gate formed from natural rock.


Kiyotaka thought that the ceremony was boring. Many other first-year students thought the same thing. The principal and students who probably had some influence within the school exchanged their words of gratitude. So much time was spent standing in lines that some of the students began to get a cramp.

Kiyotaka needed to establish proper relationships with others. Not the friendly kind of course. Only a few minutes before Kiyotaka entered the bus and arrived at his destination, his mind went through so many scenarios.

His lack of social skills didn't help, and his aura only allowed him to sleep with people who were somewhat close to him. If Kiyotaka could take back some of the points that were already allocated and put them into speech, he probably would. But it's already been done, nothing he can do about that now.

He entered the classroom and looked around, the room was empty. His soon-to-be classmates were either in the halls speaking with each other and making friends or occupied with something else.

Kiyotaka walked towards the seat that carried his nameplate. It was at the back of the classroom and near the window, a great place to sit for everybody. Sitting down, he looked through the window and admired the scenery. He noticed birds flying and flapping their wings. Kiyotaka always admired birds, because they had the freedom that he never did.

Slowly, the room started filling up with students. Kiyotaka eyed at the door every time someone new entered the room. He couldn't help but notice, most of the girls who entered had big boobs!

That doesn't make him a pervert, he was simply observing and stating facts. People were talking with each other, both loudly and quietly. In the end, Kiyotaka couldn't bring himself to speak with anybody. Even Ichihashi found herself a friend group, far before he did.

Kiyotaka did think about trying to join in on their conversation, but he didn't know what to say. Besides, the group of girls looked vicious. He'd like to stay away from that as much as possible.

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