Chapter 1: The harmony of the ocean (Daily life: 1st half)

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Monokuma: Good morning everyone~! It is now 8am, which means night time is officially over! Looks like today's gonna be another perfect, tropical day~!

Despite the incredibly eventful day I had yesterday, I managed to get a good night's rest. I was in a deep sleep before I was awoken by the ear grating voice of Monokuma. Am I gonna have to hear this every single day now?

Or at least until I'm killed?

Stelle: (I don't feel like getting up...)

I rolled over onto my back and looked up at the ceiling of my cabin. It was really good quality actually. I could hear the gentle sound of the waves, but that was about it. Weirdly enough, I didn't hear anything other then that. Perhaps the walls are sound proofed?

I heard a buzz on the bedside table.

Stelle: (Hm...?)

It was my Monopad. The thing that was given to us all yesterday.


It went again.


And again.


And again.



I sat up and grabbed the Monopad, turning it on only to be greeted by a huge amount of messages from the group chat we were auto put into. Most of them were just "good mornings" at first, but it quickly went into a conversation. Weirdly enough, the first person to even text good morning was L.

Stelle: "Good morning, sorry I woke up late"

March: "It's ok Stelle!! <333"

Takina: "good to see you're up."

L: "Morning, Stelle. I told everyone earlier in the group chat but please get ready and go to the restaurant at your earliest convenience."

Rimuru: "U got something planned?"

L: "Breakfast. Monika's already there cooking for us all."

Sonic: "Sweet! What she cooking chili dogs?"

L: "Ask her yourself."

Leon: "Chili dogs? Never knew we were in south america."

Chisato: " I'm pretty sure it's an actual food item"

Leon: "Just a little bit of dark humor. Heh. You wouldn't understand"

Majima: "Oi Kiryu chan let me take this guy out back"

Leon: "Calm down bro, just a joke"

Takina: "this guy is annoying"

L: "You're making an excellent first impression, Leon."

Leon: "Thanks"

Stelle: "I'm just making me way there now, 1 sec."

L: "Take your time, no rush."

L: "Actually no, there is a rush. Ignore my last message."

Stelle: "Be there soon."

I put the monopad down and change into some fresh clothes. Weirdly enough, my closet was just filled with the same outfit I usually wear. At least I don't gotta worry too much about cleaning my clothes then, I haven't seen a washing machine anywhere.

I leave my room and head to the restaurant.

Sonic: Oh, hey Stelle! Sleep well?

Stelle: I guess so...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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