Episode One

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Episode One: Humiliation & Desperation

Carso City is the worst rust-belt city you'll ever live in if you decide to stay there. Confronted by high-level issues of crimes, drug-related problems, and illegal AI activities the city was ungovernable, but the people who were steadfast in their efforts to rekindle the City Of Carso. They have established an underground paramilitary network of forces to secure safety and restore order in the midst of chaos.

August 23, 2024: 4:20 AM Location: Unknown

The woman stood in a sleek leather jacket, black pants, and a shirt, restlessly tapping her black combat shoes on the ground. Her arms were crossed over her chest, and she wore a blank but anxious expression as she stared fixedly at the closed elevator door, clearly in a hurry or feeling tense while she waited for it to open.

The bell dings and the elevator metal door opens, showing off an African, who looks like he has a black hood over his unruly dreads, olive green combat boots, tactical cargo pants, and ripped hoodie showing half of his sculpted form he's leaning over the wall, his head was lowered down with his arms crossed over his chest.

Relief washed over her as she stepped into the elevator floor. She was thankful that the elevator wasn't overloaded with operators.

As the elevator door closes, she turns around to face the door and looks over at the buttons already pressed on floor five. It looks like the man is going there.

After one minute, his grunt broke the silence.

Miko looked over her shoulder "Faye's healthy." She remained relieved and thankful he was there at the time, and she gave him a slight smile. "Thank you for saving her by the way, If it weren't for you, she'd be in much worse condition." Her words trailed off "Do you wanna see her?"

The mentioned hooded man shook his head as he leaned off the wall, and stood beside her "Take care of her." Miko nodded. "Riven sent already your next operation, right?" "Yup, going there tomorrow."

The day went relatively normal as things were except the chaotic, riot above them.

After a while, the bell dinged and the door opened on both sides.

The place became a loud, busy, riotous underground, She walked out and waved goodbye at the hooded man as the door closed, going further down.

The given operation was to investigate a gang's warehouse. It was owned by the Juries, infamous for their brutality, and was the main cause of Carso City's downfall. Cannibals, rapists, psychopaths- as they still thrived to this day.

Miko followed the path to Riven's office as she reached it, the sliding door yielded revealing Riven

Riven Mamoru, The Chief of the underground paramilitary forces looked over his left shoulder and gave a small smile "Miko, good to see you." he commented as he stood up. Files sprawled across his desk as he set aside the mountain of documents, inviting her to sit

Miko sits on the solid wood chair, and Riven settled on his executive chair, he moves closer to his table, and the man is pleased to see his most trusted and closest associate. Miko's grin was a flicker of camaraderie "Lots of paperwork as always, Is the Fireflies and the forces giving you a hard time?"

Riven laughed "These bastards never give me a break for just a second."

"Well, let's put my work aside, I'm happy that you're back in service. For four months, your comrades missed you." his eyes twinkled "I've visited Faye, and she looks thinner and paler. Is she okay?"

"I don't know, she hasn't said anything to me except she felt sick." She said after she sighed

Riven leaned back, finger steepled "What really happened? Miko. You have to tell me." His deep hoarse tone was filled with concern and curiosity.

"That's the only thing I know. She repeats the same thing but I feel she's scared or hiding something as I told you before." Her voice wavered as she thought back to when was pushing the nurses to stand up but when she finally realized she couldn't— her expression was filled with saddened shock.

Four months ago, Faye took on her usual tasks given by higher-ups but her last task mission went wrong. An unexpected turn of events explosion was triggered in the warehouse where she was, and as a result of the explosion; she was unable to walk and run on her own.

It felt like humiliation to her.

Leaving her frustrated, and saddened that Faye wanted to go back to the warehouse she had been and investigate but due to her injuries, she won't be doing anything. Miko offered her assistant yet Faye stubbornly refused and wanted to do it herself. 

"Maybe, I'm just overthinking about the incident.. I don't get why she's over the explosion." She pressed her lips together and leaned back. eyes of desperation showed on her face. He saw how helpless he thought she might be feeling over this confusing situation.

He sighed and got up from the chair as he walked over to her side "I'll help you." Riven gave her a reassuring smile as well with a pat on her shoulder.


Laying on a comfy hospital bed, as the sun shone on her pale skin, medical tubes snaked around her as if she was wired for life.

Miko stood by the bedside, her finger tracing the curve of Faye's hand, as they both stayed silent. She wanted to know what caused her to be in this state.

Who was responsible for her current state? She felt utterly powerless as her lover suffered in agony. They're both desperate for different reasons.

As Miko observed her lover’s stubborn search for the cause of the explosion, and the unknown assailant. She thought to herself she’d rather help that, so she planned to investigate that issue.

In each way, she could help Faye.

As Miko stepped out of the infirmary to fetch something after spending an hour. a mysterious hooded figure went inside and appeared next to Faye's bedside.

Their eyes were fixed on the redhead as if they had the urge to choke her right here, right now but it wasn't the time for that yet.

Their gloved hand gripping on the railing, filled with fury yet they put on a smile—a gentle smile with a bottled-up anger.

Yet, they gently left a pendant next to Faye before they left.
Leaving an old memory.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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