Chapter 4.30 - Brotherly Backup

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Emmett woke up six hours later—Monday evening. Between surgery that morning and his impromptu nap, Monday had passed in a blink.

He'd already missed dinner.

For a moment, he thought about Sunday dinner with his family. About taking the bus to his childhood home. Seeing the nephews playing in the front yard. The rest of the family split between the kitchen and the living room.

But that wasn't how things were. His old house was underwater. The rest of his family was at a shelter, sandwiched inside with countless others displaced from across the city.

Emmett wondered how long it would be before things were back to normal.

Against Dr. Venture and TINA's wishes, Emmett flew back to the shelter on the North end of Belport to see his family. Clara understood and insisted on going with him. They sat together on the bench of the heavy drone, hand in hand.

"I'll stay in the drone if you want me to, but someone has to keep an eye on you."

Emmett managed a smile. Clara felt like the one warm spot surrounded by sterile metal.


She squeezed his hand. "Hell of a week."


The heavy drone set down in an empty parking lot a block away from the shelter and the Summit staging area. In the end, Emmett asked Clara to come with him. Between everything that happened, he needed the support..

Clara didn't mind coming along. She practically jumped at the chance to get to know his family better.

"It's only fair. You've spent more time with my dad than anyone except me and TINA."

"Yeah, and I still don't know hardly anything about him!"

Clara chuckled. "Welcome to the club."

They walked hand in hand down the quiet street, toward the only signs of life. While they walked, Emmett looked up at the starry night sky. Even as dim as the city was, it still blotted out the stars for most people. Not for Emmett. He saw everything now.

It was a testament that he only looked up once. The rest of the walk, he focused on Clara, the growing smell of dinner, and of seeing his family.


The last time Emmett had visited the shelter, it had been a mix of emotions—not just for him, but for everyone staying there. Despite the disaster, most people had been in good spirits.

Tonight though, the shelter was subdued and apprehensive. Conversations were quiet and huddled. Instead of running wildly through the cots, kids played close to their families. Emmett glanced at families as he passed and saw the recent attack written on their faces. Even if the damage hadn't reached this far, they would've heard fighting from across the city. They would've heard stories from the Summit. As Emmett and Clara walked through the rows, it felt like they were walking through fog. As though warmth and resilience had been sucked from the room.

Emmett found his family gathered around their cots. Mom came over, greeting both Emmett and Clara with hugs. Emmett barely had time to introduce Clara before she was swept up. Emmett went to shake his dad's hand, but his dad pulled both him and Clara into an embrace as well.

Mom blubbered, "It's so good to see you, both of you, happy and healthy." Then she hugged Emmett again.

Emmett held his breath, afraid that he'd start losing it himself. He couldn't remember seeing his parents choked up like this—not Mom, and definitely not Dad. Emmett had been away a lot these past few years between college, moving into the apartment, and becoming a super. In his mind, his parents were still unshakeable and invincible. Even if they were civilians, like hundreds—thousands—of others in the city, it felt wrong seeing them like this.

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