Yulden lemon?/fluff

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(A/N: idk what to call it, but it's basically making out)

Aidens pov:

Yul was lying next to me on the bed. We were looking for a movie to watch.
"We should do a romantic movie."
"Okay, sure!"

We turn on the movie and start watching. It's some enemies to lovers movie, but it's a very good  movie. I place my head on his chest. He plays with my hair.

After a bit, he kisses me,  but I am starting to want more than that.

I pause the movie. "Why did you pause?" he asks. "Mhm, wanna make out?" I say. "I uhm.. sure!" He says, blushing slightly.

I get on top of him and start kissing him. "Mhm, I've been waiting for this for a while." I say.

Yul doesn't say a word. He's completely flustered.

"I see someone is flustered.." I say, flirting with him.

He nods.

I decide to take it a step further and put my tongue against his lips, waiting for entrance. He opens his mouth as I slide my tongue in.

He groans in response as I put my hand under his crop top and start touching his chest. I got down to his abs and his waist. I pull myself closer. Yul's face is completely red. I pull away breathing for air, both of us panting.

We kiss again, and he pulls me close. He sits against the bedframe, me sitting on top of him. It's starting to get really hot. I pull off my shirt. Yul notices, and I pull off his, which he consents to.

Our bodies are pressed against each other. I grab his head and pull him closer. He places his hand on my thigh, a soft spot for me. "Oh fuck" I say. He smirks at my response.

We finally pull apart after about half an hour. Our hairs are a mess.

"You're so fucking hot, you know that." I say to him.
"You're also fucking hot."

We cuddle as we continue to watch the movie.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."


I'm going insane, I suck at writing this stuff, but whatever.

- Sander, 363 words

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