Take Charge Pt.1

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Everyone stood lined up in front of their course, their uniforms still covered in mud from the course they just finished. "You'll be on your own for this one no Sargents or robots to help." Everyone stood a sense of uneasiness spread across the line of soldiers. "You can't pick your groups we'll pick for you." Axel walked down pointing at people to stand out of line, by the end of the selection there were ten groups of twenty, who were split in half and assigned a color.

The two colors were each given a packet to read. Geia was the leader of group five color black. She read the instructions out loud. "You will go up against a team who is looking to destroy the planet. They have assembled a bomb that is set to go off in fifty minutes giving them enough time to raze as much land as they can. Your weapons are under three tables within the safe zone that you stand in now." On the yellow team.

Six was the leader of group five of the yellow team, he also read out loud. "The leader will hand out the weapons giving them to whoever they see fit, you will have to fight with all your might because they are deadly and won't be looking to show any pity on you." Six out down the packet and flipped the closest table. He picked up a mock pulse rifle and tossed it to Zelda. "Dude!" Zelda said catching the weapon. Six shrugged and continued tossing the fake weapons to each person.

Geia continued reading off. "Alright, now that you have your weapons you have to find the one person from the other team who can dismantle this bomb if this person is not caught or if you can not get them to talk there will be dire consequences." After the packet was read fully, the teams began their plan. "We're going to split up into ten, we'll find the leader of the yellows group and hold them captive, we'll question them, and if we figure out if they're who we want we'll slowly pick them off from their team." What the groups didn't know was that both teams had bombers with alternate motives, instructions, and information.

"So, what's the plan?" Zelda asked grabbing Six's shoulder. "Kill everyone?" Six said in response as he began to walk off.

Geia held her hand in a fist telling her team to stop. They listened as someone began to make their presence known, Geia poked her head out seeing a figurehead over. She made hand gestures to her team telling them to move in different directions to circle in on the person.

As they got closer and closer the person looked in all directions holding his weapon. Then his vision went out. "Boo!" Someone yelled as they took the bag off his head. "Where's your captain?" He was in a black safe zone now. "I don't know the guys an idiot." They looked at him curiously. "Who's the bomber?" He stared at them confused. "One of you?" They stared amongst themselves not understanding his answer. "One of us?" Someone walked up behind them pushing them aside. "Don't listen to him, you guys go back out and find the hostage, I'll stay."

They left leaving the hostage behind and going back to their objective. "You're out." Axel walked over to take the person out of the match.

More and more people began to leave the match there weren't many people on yellow anymore. Geia's group now consisted of eight people as they moved in closer to Yellow. Finally, they were in front of the yellow safe zone. "Hey, Zelda," Geia said walking into the safe zone, her people following behind her. "Where's your team?" She asked. Zelda aimed his weapon. "Somewhere."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03 ⏰

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