Chapter 17: Tell Ur Girlfriend

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As they got in the car Rory did everything to turn Paige on so that she would be in a mood the entire time they were there once Rory did not give her what she wanted. She would then be in a mood so her attitude would dial down. Rory started by rubbing circles on Paige's inner upper thigh and Aurora sat in the driver's seat. When she got a reaction from that (Paige squirming) she leaned to kiss Paige's neck, quickly sucking on it enough to leave a mark but not a hickey which Paige moaned to. Once Rory got that reaction she turned on the car, driving away to the location they were supposed to be at. She put her hand back on Paige's thigh and inched closer and closer to where P wanted her hand at.

"Is this okay?" Aurora asked

"Mhm" Paige mumbled out

"Words, baby" Rory said

"Yes." Paige affirmed nodding

With the consent Aurora began rubbing circles on Paige's clit making Paige moan. She then inserted one finger into Paige's pants and began moving it in and out of her. Soon Paige was close to reaching her climax when Rory suddenly stopped. They had arrived at the breakfast place. Paige was left horny sitting there in disbelief, she turned to Rory with a pout.

"What?" Aurora questioned

"You're gonna act like you don't know."

"What could I do, we arrived at the breakfast"

"You know what, I'm not gonna talk to you for the entire day"

"I'd like to see you try"

And with that they exited the car and went into the restaurant. A spotted Azzi and Nika sitting down at a booth and sat down on the side that was unoccupied as Nika and Azzi expected them to sit together.

"We invited KK if that's okay" Azzi spoke

"Yessss, I love KK" Aurora said

This made Paige want to comment but she didn't, Aurora left her horny in the car and was going to have to pay for it.

"I miss my favorite freshman" Paige said, ignoring the jealousy she felt

"That's weird, Paige usually goes crazy whenever you say you love someone who isn't her" Nika said to Rory

"Yeah, that is weird" Azzi replied

"Yeah, whatever" Paige said looking at the door when the bell rung and in walked KK

KK pulled up a chair and sat before Paige offered to switch with her because "the booth is more comfortable and she wanted KK to be comfortable." So they switched seats leaving Nika in front of Aurora, Azzi in front of KK, and Paige at the end of the table. Paige looked at a waitress and signaled that they were ready to order. The waitress walked over behind the booth behind Rory immediately giving Rory flirty eyes which Paige noticed, of course.

"I want another waitress" Paige whispered to KK who laughed before whispering back


"She's flirting with my girlfriend"

"She didn't even speak yet"

"Watch how she looks at Rory"

The whispering came to an end when the waitress finally spoke

"What can I get started for you guys?" She said, touching Rory's arm which made Paige narrow her eyes at the waitress before Rory shook her hand off

"I want blueberry pancakes with maple syrup and butter" Rory said

"Can I have-" Paige said before getting cut off by the waitress

"Can I get your number?" The waitress said to Rory

"She's taken" Paige said


The waitress left so the table would get a new waitress. Before the new waitress came to the table Paige leaned across the table and said to Rory

"Go tell your girlfriend that I'm your girlfriend"

"Knew you wouldn't last that long"

Author's Note:

I know I didn't update last week and I'm sorry but I was at a sports competition. I am back now. I love y'all, have an amazing day. Don't forget to vote and follow if you liked this chapter <3. 

Can I Take You Out? 😽- Paige Bueckers x Fem OCWhere stories live. Discover now