Coworkers With Benefits Part 2 - Gator Tillman

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I was slowly packing my bag when there was a soft knock on the door. Before I could tell them to enter, the door opened. I turned around and instantly smiled when I saw Gator peeking his head in.

"Hey, you," I chuckled.

He walked in and instantly took me in his arms. I smiled as he leaned down and gently pressed his lips to mine. The kiss was a lot shorter than I'd have liked.

"Hey, gorgeous," he whispered as he broke the kiss. "You ready to get out of here?"

"Hell yeah," I smirked. I stepped out of his embrace and grabbed my overnight bag. I let out a half-giggle, half-sigh when Gator instantly reached over and took my bag.

"Don't even try arguing with me," he chuckled. I just laughed as he grabbed my hand and led me out of the hospital room. When we got to the elevator, Gator pulled me inside. After the doors closed, he turned toward me and stepped closer to me.

"Things are going to be different," he whispered. "I promise, Y/N. No more sneaking around. No more covering up. No more lying."

"But what about. . ." I started to ask.

"I don't care what everyone at the precinct says," he cut me off. "I don't care what my father says. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is going to keep us apart."

Before I could say anything, Gator leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. I threw my arms around him and kissed him back. We didn't break apart until the elevator doors opened. He instantly grabbed my hand and led me through the lobby. I didn't say anything as we walked to his car.

We got in and he instantly started driving. It took me a few streets before I realized he was taking me to my house. He parked in my driveway and escorted me inside. We settled in for the night. I took a shower to wash the hospital off of me while Gator made us something to eat.

While I was in the shower, I couldn't help but think about me and Gator. Our whole relationship has been a secret and I wasn't entirely sure what to expect now that it was out in the open. Even though we snuck around, whenever we were alone Gator acted like an actual boyfriend. He was sweet and caring and supportive and perfect. I really hoped that that version of Gator would start coming out more.

I walked downstairs in shorts and one of Gator's graphic t-shirts that he left at my place. My heart jumped into my throat when I saw Gator making sandwiches. He turned around and instantly froze when he saw me.

"Damn," he said under his breath. "Why the hell did I hide you?"

"I don't know," I said faking innocence. "Maybe you didn't want someone else to steal me?"

Gator walked over, closing the gap between us. When he got to me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

"That's for sure," he said under his breath. I giggled as he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. Our lips instantly started moving in sync as things slowly started getting more heated.

Gator picked me up and carried me to the couch. He sat down and put me on his lap. Without breaking the kiss, Gator laid us down with him hovering over me. We were just about to start removing our clothes but his phone started going off.

"Sorry," he sighed. He gently sat us up and sat me next to him. He kissed me before jumping up and answering his phone.

I stayed on the couch as Gator talked to whoever had called him. When he returned, he was carrying two plates with the sandwiches he was making earlier.

"Thanks," I smiled as he handed me one of them. "Who was that?"

"My dad," he explained as he sat next to me. "He wanted to make sure we had gotten to your place safely. He's sending a patrol car."

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