.Reaping Ceremony.

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Her fingers fiddled with each other, heart beating faster as the thick silence was dragged out longer. Katniss had just volunteered for her sister in the Hunger Games, Ava almost choked on her own saliva in shock and fear.

She and Katniss weren't Just close friends, Katniss felt like a sister even. Ava's mother died when she was four by some unknown cause and her father was too drunk to be around, leaving you mostly hanging out with Katniss and Prim.

Though the reason she had felt her blood run cold was because the woman on stage, Effie, had announced from the capital that three people from District 12 would participate this year. Two females and one male, hands clenching in and out, Ava stared up at Effie as her gloved hand reached down into the bowl of female names. Breath hitching as she finally pulled out a small folded card.

"Ahem!" Effie cleared her throat, her lips parting before she spoke those dreadful words.

"Ava Piercy!"

Letting out a small gasp of fear and shock, Ava's eyes widened, stumbling back a small step.
"Ava dear, where are you?" Effie called again, her gaze scanning the rows of girls below. People began to move away from Ava to reveal her in the crowd, she stared pleadingly at some of them. "Please..." she whispered, though they all turned their heads away.

"Ava dear! Come come!" Effie smiled sweetly, she gulped thickly before slowly making her way through the crowd, some whispering luck and others staring sadly at her. Turning a corner and stepping out onto the walkway, she began to walk up the stage, Katniss staring at her with horror in her eyes.

"Come dear, yep..one more step" Effie reached her hand out to her shoulder and pulled her up the last few steps in a hurry. Ava went to stand next to Katniss, keeping her gaze on the ground below.

Why...she barely even knew how to shoot an arrow, no doubt she would die in the bloodbath. Ava flinched as a hand rested on her shoulders, brought out of her own thoughts, Ava glanced up to see Katniss looking ahead. Though her soft hand gently rested on Ava's shoulder in a comforting way, gulping down a cry, she looked back down.

She didn't pay attention as they announced the male tribute for District 12, she wished the ground would just swallow her up, the thought of entering that arena sent viscous shivers down her spine. Her gaze lifted back up and she was met with the people of District 12 lifting their hands in the air, three fingers lifted. Letting out a shaky breath, Ava began to back up slowly.

Peacekeepers came to their sides and began to guide them to the doors behind them where they could most likely last be seen before their deaths, Effie finishing it off with a 'Happy Hunger Games!'. What the hell should they be happy about? She was being sent to her grave, she wanted to scream in anger.

It wasn't fair.


Sitting on the bench of the small room, the cold silence was so loud she could hear her own breathing. Gaze still only her still hands, her head shot up when the doors opened and Prim ran through. Tears pooled in her pretty brown eyes as she threw herself onto Ava.

"I-Im so sorry! It shouldn't h-have been you both!..what will I do without you...?" The young girl sobbed, her arms wrapped tightly around Ava. Gently stroking her head, she pressed her lips against Prim's head.

"Prim..Prim it's okay, if anyone can win it's Katniss...you gotta have faith in her" She murmured, Prim snuggled before pulling her head back from Ava's neck. "What about you?" Prim whimpered, Ava frowned, the words seemed to be caught in her throat.

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