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Ava glanced around from side to side, swords were displayed along with knives, spears and bows. The training area was lit by white lighting, all the other tributes surrounded each other as they listened intently to the rules and instructions.

Katniss stood on the right of Ava and some other person from another district, her heart raced in anticipation. Ready for what was about to play out.

"In two weeks, 23 of you will be dead. One of you will be alive" The lady that stood on the platform spoke.

"Who that is depends on how well you pay attention, over the next four days" Ava let her gaze stray across the room and to the other tributes, looking to her right a few feet away stood the District 2 male. He stood with his arms crossed, as soon as she glanced at him he returned it with a small smirk, immediately looking away. She gulped and looked back at the lady on the platform, though found it hard with his icy stare on her.

"-particularly to what I'm about to say. First, no fighting with the other tributes. You'll have plenty of time for that in the arena" It almost felt as though everyone was sizing each other up, Ava met eyes with the girl from District 1. She gave a sneer before looking back away, wanting to roll her eyes, Ava kept her gaze trained on the woman speaking to them.

"There are four compulsory exorcises, the rest will be individual training" The lady crossed her arms, letting their gaze rake over all the tributes. "My advice is, don't ignore the survival skills" Ava blinked in slight surprise, but at the same time could understand that. If she wasn't to die from another tribute, it could be of freezing or starving to death. "Everybody wants to grab a sword but most of you will die from natural causes..10 percent from infection. 20 percent from dehydration" The lady continued.

"Exposure can kill as easily as knife..."

Metal hitting against metal, grunts and groans of pain and the sound of weapons penetrating their targets echoed throughout the training area. Some tributes practiced against trainers on how to fight with the sword while others practiced how to throw knifes.

Ava looked up to see a boy trying to make his way across the monkey bars, though he grunted as his hand slipped from one and he went falling to the ground with a groan of pain.

Some others just practiced how to fling a sword from left to right, get the feeling of it in your hands. The higher class people watched from up top in their fancy dining area, some watching with intent curiosity and others conversing and eating.

Ava passed a station where two boys were working on how to start a fire, and fox face over there typing away at some marked buttons. Ava had never really been good with any weapons back in her district, so she decided to try a weapon she would practice with the most at home.

Back in District 12 she had got a large piece of wood and carved it in a small scythe. Though it wasn't as big as a normal one or sharp, she still learned how to hold one and hold it from different angles without cutting herself.

Ava stood next to Katniss as they waited for their turn to practice combat against one of the trainers. Ava's head looked over to where she had heard the District 2 males voice, leaning that his name was Cato Hadley.

"-Jason, where's my knife, huh?" "-I didn't touch your knife" The other boy defended.

Cato had approached the male from district 6, supposedly Jason. A trainer got in between the two before Cato could probably do something bad. "-I put my knife right there!" Cato argued, pointing to a spot right next to where Jason sat.

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