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"But the wind might change, I will still remain, I will always be there for you."



I hide behind a blank stare as Rip announces our arrival and orders Gideon to disguise the timeship. I feel a swell of concern from Kendra's mind toward me, and I remember that she had heard the argument between my brother and me. A distraction from Leonard sweeps away the drifting feeling from Kendra like an icy pair of lungs extinguishing a feathered candle.

"What are you complaining about now?" Leonard huffs at Mick, "It's not like we time-jumped."

Mick held his head and a blaze of annoyance burned my fingertips as I tried to reach into his mind. "I hate flyin'," He sighed. "Especially in" -- he gestured to the ship with his hands -- "whatever this thing is."

Carter looks up at Rip. "Where exactly are we?" he asks.

"We're still in 1975, right?" Kendra adds.

"Indeed," Rip answers. "October 1975 on the fjords of northern Norway." My brother stands and walks directly past me, brushing by me bitterly in the process. This action causes several team members to glance in my direction with concern and inquiry.

"Sounds like a vacation." Leonard's voice punctures the tension in the air between Rip and me.

Rip's voice reflects the bitterness he is feeling. "Which we can take as soon as the threat of Savage has been neutralized, Mr. Snart."

I stand and inhale sharply. I throw a conniving look in Leonard's direction before promptly turning to Rip. The man was holding a small leather-bound book in his right hand and was giving me a rather pointed look.

"That's Aldus's notebook," Carter points out.

Rip doesn't skip a beat. "Now, he theorized that Savage might be here." He emphasizes the word 'might.' He continues, "And if he's right, and if we can capture Savage, then at least Professor Boardman didn't die in vain."

I cock my head to the side at my brother's sentences.

Was he taking his irritation from our argument and throwing it at the team?

My powers stole the delicate confirmation of my suspicion, making me roll my eyes and turn around to step up to the island.

"Can't we just go back and save Aldus?" Kendra pleads.

A small spat breaks out between the Hawks and Rip, and I barely notice Ray and Sara comment as I try to block out any noise. I zone back in to Rip once again pushing past me and taking my spot at the island.

Why the hell is he being so petty?

Irritation causes me to clench my fists. I still don't participate in the conversation about finding Savage, but I listen to glean just enough information. Savage is doing an illegal arms deal with a bunch of terrorist organizations. How delightful.

Leonard comments about terrorists, causing Carter to jut in with a facetious statement about Mick. Mick growls out a vague threat at the Hawk before Kendra swiftly changes the topic.

"So what exactly does one wear to a black market arms bazaar, anyway?" Kendra had her arms crossed.

Rip explains the clothing fabricator to the team. Now enthused by the new concept, their minds become less heavy with dark thoughts. I let out a breath as most of the team exits, excluding the Hawks.

"Rip," I catch myself speaking without thinking. My brother turns to me wordlessly. "After this mission," I spoke apprehensively, "can we talk?"

The nervous undertone to my voice causes sympathy to blossom under the dark shadow of cynicism that hangs over his cognizance. He nods, still not speaking.

A Clairvoyant's Foresight [DC Legends of Tomorrow]Where stories live. Discover now