Facing Your Sins

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Feeling weightless was the first thing mortal Craig Tucker felt after he died. Weightless, disoriented, and cold. Who would've thought it would all suddenly stop with a hard thud though? Definitely not Craig. He groans as he painfully lands on hard, cold, smooth flooring. His ears are ringing and his head is pounding now. Craig weakley opens his eyes and glances around. He is laying on the black marble tiles of a large room with a high, domed ceiling. On the circular wall of the room are seven doors, each one decorated differently.

The first doorway has black framing and red flooring with flames burning in a pedestal on either side of the doorway. Two black marble pillars are positioned a bit away from the door, the outline of flames carved into the pillars.

Continuing on the right, the second doorway is deep brown and has tan flooring. Two side tables are on either side of the doorway, each with displays of food and dessert. The pillars on either side of this doorway are deep brown with a pattern on the bottom and top in the colors and pattern of a red and white apron.

The one to the right of it, third doorway, has bright gold framing and white marble flooring. Piles of gold in different forms can be seen in the hall and spilling out into the room. The pillars on either side of the door are black marble with gold highlights to it.

The fourth doorway has pastel purple framing and black flooring. Pastel beads in different colors hang from the doorway along with small glowing stars on strings. The pillars on this doorway are white with what seem to be fluffy clouds on the bottom and top. Beads and stars on strings hang from the clouds and gently chime like windchimes.

The fifth doorway has deep blue framing and red flooring. Medals and badges hang off the wall around the doorway. The pillars seem to be red, but they are so covered in awards and badges that it is hard to tell.

The sixth doorway is framed in deep purple and has light blue flooring. There are holes in the wall next to the doorway pouring a tinted water that steams and sizzles as it falls into a small pool below the door. Two pillars are in front of this one as well. They are deep blue and seem to be soaking wet, drops of the tinted water dripping down the sides.

The seventh and last doorway has black marble framing and pink flooring. Statues of creatures in obscene positions stand outside the doorway. There aren't any pillars outside of this doorway because of the statues.

Craig slowly gets up and looks at all the doors. As he looks around, a set of options suddenly appear around him. "Enter Wrath Hall", “Enter Gluttony Hall", "Enter Greed Hall", "Enter Sloth Hall", "Enter Pride Hall", "Enter Envy Hall", and "Enter Lust Hall" all appear in front of a different door, starting in front of Craig and circling around the right of the room.

Craig looks around again before slowly tapping the Wrath Hall option. The flames flare up higher and the lava starts running down small grooves in the flooring of the hallway.


Craig cautiously starts down the wrath hall way, looking around as he does. The hallway is long and without any windows. A large red and black carpet runs down the middle of the hallway. There are occasional pedestals with fire in them. The groves with lava in them eventually combine to make two large grooves, one on each side of the hallway, that are at the very edge of the hallway.

Craig takes off his hat from the heat and continues down the hall, trying to remember how he ended up in the castle. Nothing comes to his mind, however.

After a while of walking, an open entrance finally appears at the end of the hallway. A few figures can be seen standing in a room. Craig pauses before creeping in. The inside of the room is large with a grand staircase. A chandelier hangs from the ceiling, glass bottles of lava being the light of the chandelier. The carpet splits and goes in each stair. The figures in the room consist of four tall, bulkier beings who are in black suits. A significantly smaller figure is hidden behind them.]*

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