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Hi everyone !

This is my third  book(go check my other ones out <3)

obviously, i loveee the Hunger Games series, especially Finnick, so you're in good hands ! 

About updates: I usually update whenever I have ideas so that ranges anywhere from a couple of days to weeks-- we'll just have to wait and see haha. I am also currently writing two other books, so this will be the third I have to juggle(why am I acting like I don't like writing haha-- I live for this !!). the real reason why I have a couple of books going is pretty much because I just want some variety, as it can get somewhat tiring writing about the same thing and the same people all of the time, if you know what I mean.

What to expect: Please expect chapters all over 1,000 words, as that is a personal goal I have set for myself-- and a rather attainable one, at that. I also take some pride off of my writing, so I always check for spelling mistakes-- if you see one AT ALL, please tell me !! I am trying to become a better author. (but I always write my author's notes in robloxian english, so don't worry about that lmao)

also-- I often struggle with finding the motivation to write, so comments really mean the world to me !! If you leave a comment, I will love you forever !! 

If you have stuck through this, thank you so much, and happy reading ! <3


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