Fuck this

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I had a dream once where brendon urie and Frank iero were dating but then Frank broke up with brendon when he decided to not wear matching outfits for once and then some girl got mad and argued with brendon urie for some reason and then Julian casablancas reacted to a video of it and said something like I hate it when people argue can we all just not argue
And then they all met in person in some random ass garden and that random girl was fighting brendon urie and they were like on the floor wrestling and Julian Casablancas was just standing there shaking his head in disapproval

I guess it was like everything I've consumed in media and hated smashed together like shit in a smoothie mixer

-Shippers (It got the ship WRONG anyway)
-Annoying people
-People who argue over breakups that they aren't in
-A lot of stupid ass reaction videos

And then everything I've been consuming

-Horrible cursed ships that come up on my fyp
-Stupid ass reaction videos
-The garden

Anyway that wouldn't make sense if I tried to make it make sense. First of all aren't they both married to DIFFERENT people?

I think my brain was trying to show me what would happen if you got two random people and made them date

And then added Julian Casablancas because Julian Casablancas

Maybe it was trying to tell me frerard is real or some shit or like whatever the fuck ryden is... but then got the fuckibg ship wrong so it's just random now... get it right dumbass

Also I made a coquette fairy Alex Turner out of paper and he watches me sleep now wtf is wrong with me

Anyway idk who the girl was she had dark hair and looked like she hadn't slept in 5 days and she looked like an emo or something with a bit of eyeliner
She looked like the one that would get mad at you when you break up with your girlfriend which is exactly what she did except those were male specimens but whatever

She wasn't The Girl from Danger Days but she was a girl who had an annoying punchable face who probably has a gerard way shrine and ships frerard

Fuck this shit radiohead time

Fitter happier
More productive
Not drinking too much
Regular exercise at the gym (3 days a week)
Getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries
At ease
Eating well (no more michael way dinners and saturated ass)
A patient, better driver
A safer car (baby smiling in back seat)
Sleeping well (no bad dreams)
No paranoia
Careful to all animals (never washing spiders down the plughole)
Keep in contact with old friends (enjoy a drink now and then)
Will frequently check credit at (moral) bank (hole in the wall)
Favours for favours
Fond but not in love
Charity standing orders
On Sundays ring road supermarket
(No killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants)
Car wash (also on Sundays)
No longer afraid of the dark or midday shadows
Nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate
Nothing so childish
At a better pace
Slower and more calculated
No chance of escape
Now self-employed
Concerned (but powerless)
An empowered and informed member of society (pragmatism not idealism)
Will not cry in public
Less chance of illness
Tyres that grip in the wet (shot of baby strapped in back seat)
A good memory
Still cries at a good film
Still kisses with saliva
No longer empty and frantic
Like a cat
Tied to a stick
That's driven into
Frozen winter shit (the ability to laugh at weakness)
Fitter, healthier and more productive
A pig
In a cage
On antibiotics

Fucked up dreams I've hadWhere stories live. Discover now