Chapter Twelve

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The next day, a gentle knock is on the door. Kol walks up to the door and opens it.

 Kol walks up to the door and opens it

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{Christy's Outfit}

Christy is there and small smiles at her brother-in-law, Kol. "Surprise."

Kol smiles at her

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Kol smiles at her. "Hello, Christy."

Christy slowly walks inside as Davina slowly walks inside the living room.

Davina and Christy exchange small smiles at each other.

"Surprise." Christy said.

Davina and Christy shares a hug and exchange small smiles at each other.

"You came to visit." Davina said.

"I did say I was gonna surprise you guys." Christy said, looking at both Kol and Davina.

"I assume that you flew your Skiff-ship here through a portal." Kol hinted, sitting down in an armchair.

"Yeah, I did." Christy said, sitting on the sofa and looks around at the apartment itself. "Cozy apartment."

"Thanks." Davina thanked Christy with a small smile. "So, how've you been?"

"I've been pretty good." said Christy. "Marcalos can resurrect any old enemy if he chooses."

"So, Marcalos continues to toy with Nik's mind, still?" Kol asked.

"Yeah, he does." Christy said. "Klaus was in Marcalos's Underworld for a while. Marcalos mentally tortured him with his herbs, made Klaus hallucinate things."

"Knowing my brother, Nik, he can handle anything. Nothing can break him." said Kol.

"Marcalos knows that, he just toys Klaus for his own sadistically fun." Christy said.

"Marcalos is even the worst monster than Klaus." Davina said.

"Marcalos is the worst monster than both Mikael and Klaus." Christy said. "He can murder you, and resurrect you. Even if, a person commits suicide, he'll just resurrect you for 24 hours. Marcalos is the most feared among both the supernatural and mythology world."

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