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"I WILL KILL YOU!!", shouted a boy, running after a girl with anger in his eyes.

"Do you have that much guts?? I don't think so." Said the girl teasing the boy.

These two were running all around the house, destroying every single thing coming their way.

"Vritika! Sanchit! Stop it!", their mother, Mrs. Aarvi Sinha, a great psychologist stopped them from making any more further destruction. "I am just fed up with you with, fighting all day, destroying the whole house, destroying the peace of our city."

Mrs. Aarvi was in complete anger.

"Mom....history is the proof New Delhi was never in peace. It was always in unrest. It is still in unrest. How can we destroy the peace of this city? said Sanchit

"So now you have having guts to talk back to your mother!!" Mrs. Aarvi was very angry right now "I am seriously doubting my parenting."

"Mom calm down...It's not a big deal. Every sibling fights, some even fight worse than us."

Mrs. Sinha gave a pissed-off look to Vritika.

Vritika looked at Mrs. Aarvi with an innocent look, "Mom, why are you staring at us like that. We have not done anything."

Mrs. Sinha sighed and said, "So, you two didn't do anything. Right?"

Vritika and Sanchit nodded innocently. They didn't know what destruction they have made.

Mrs. Sinha said very calmly, "Look Behind."

Vritika and Sanchit looked behind, they were welcomed by the most devastated form of their house.

Their jaw dropped after seeing this scenario. The whole house was upside down. The rugs were on the table and not on the floor. There were two pieces of glass broken on the floor. Water was spilled on the ground. There was a flower vase broken on the ground.

They didn't realize that in that simple chase, they have destroyed nearly the whole house. They were regretting it now. They were crying interally. They turned back and their eyes met with the fierce eyes of their mother.

They could see anger and that urge to kill both of them right on the spot in the eyes of her mother. They couldn't handle her anger and lowered their head. Their eyes were reflecting mixed emotions of pityness and regret. They looked at each other, with pity in their eyes, probably because, now, they are going to listen to a huge lecture from their mother. After giving each other sympathy from their eyes, They took a deep breath and lowered their head in regret while closing their eyes.

Mrs. Sinha took a deep breath said, "And so, you both didn't do anything. These words are so true. You both NEVER DO ANYTHING. It's my misfortune that I am not able to handle this house and you both. You both increase my work load every SINGLE DAY. That doesn't even matter to you both. Why would it? You two will just wake up, destroy everything, won't even regret it, and at, last, who'll clean the mess? ME, because you both will never be sorry for your act. Can you both even imagine how much work do I daily? And then you two will........."

"What is going on here?", Mr. Avyukt Sinha, Mrs. Aarvi's husband, a well known professor of Philosophy, interrupted her. He was sleeping peacefully, but the noise of all this drama made him awake.

"Just see yourself what is going on here," answered Mrs. Sinha while looking at Vritika and Sanchit with anger in her eyes.

Mr. Sinha after listening to his beloved wife's words noticed the condition of the house. He was completely surprised to see that the whole house was fully devastated.

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