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"DONE!!!" shouted Akshat, making Vritika and Ishani flinch.

"Bro are you in your right senses or have you gone mad?" said Ishani giving Akshat a weird look.

"Yes. I AM PERFECTLY FINE. Come on...aren't you both happy that we have completed this experiment before the duration." Said Akshat jumping around like a child.

Ishani holds Akshat by his back collar and pushes him onto the chair. "We are quite happy too, but we also have common ethics in ourselves. And that's why we don't jump around like a monkey, UNLIKE YOU!!" said Ishani, scolding him like a sister.

Akshat was looking at her innocently to stop her from scolding him any further.

Vritika, meanwhile, standing formally in a corner just thinking about how can lab scientists working on national-level experiments be so frank and chill.

Because her life in Main Lab Campus CSILR, New Delhi was just something else. She came out of her thoughts when Akshat spoke, "Vritika...You are such a boring person. We already told you NO FORMALITY INFRONT OF US."

"Yes, Vritika.You are very formal and quiet. You should try opening up with others and...be frank with us. You are even formal with me, despite me being your roommate."

Vritika was embarrassed listening to all this. She took a deep breath and said, "Actually...here in NISTR the environment is very different from CSILR Main Campus. Their discipline must be the priority of everyone. Our laboratory director, was very strict, so strict...that everyone even declared that she was the reincarnation of HITLER. In that case, me being a formal fellow is quite relatable."

Akshat and Ishani were listening to her story with their mouth wide open.

"Whoa. You are coming directly from hell to heaven." Said Akshat fully stunned.

"No, don't take it that seriously. Though she was very strict, she was very kind too, and we loved her. The reason for her strictness is that.....she is the Laboratory Director of CSILR, which is the main Scientific Research Council of India. Therefore she is fully disciplined and expects 99.99% perfection from the lab scientist."

"Ohh...But NO WORRIES. You'll soon be adapted to this environment where there is no discipline, no rules no regulations...Only fun." Said Ishani

Vritika smiled and said, " I hope so too...Btw, shall we go to submit for experimental report to Sir."

"NO" both Akshat and Ishani shouted together.

Vritika got scared because of it.

Ishani calmed her down and said, "Don't get scared, we said no because if we submit our report now, Ajinkya sir will discharge us..."

"Yes and after all today is the last day we three will be together...until and unless we get another experiment to perform." Said Akshat and Ishani nodded

"Huh...last day..how?" asked Vritika

"Because... Ishani is senior to us. She is departing along with us only due to this experiment. But now, as it's over, she will depart 1 hour late."

"Oh, so you're senior that............ But...you don't look older than us." Said Vritika.

"Yeah, I am quite conscious about my skincare...but I am older than you. You both are 26 and I am 27, well your SENIOR." Said Ishani flipping her hair

Experiment 626Where stories live. Discover now