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The infamous Color War had just ended summer session one of Camp Wawanakwa's summer camp programs. Every summer, the spot would host two sessions to accommodate for the schedules of Canadian teenagers from 13 to 16 years of age. Two sessions also meant more money for the director, Chris McLean. These back-to-back sessions meant 12 weeks of nonstop interaction amongst camp staff, though, which never seemed to end well, regardless of the group of people Chris had hired on for that year's season.

With the close of session one, Green Team had won the first of two Color Wars. This marked the color's first win in the 16 years that the camp had run, the usual winners being Blue Team or Red Team. In Chris's entire directorship of operating the summer camp, this had been the first Color War that had two teams—shockingly the two most competitive and lethal teams of the bunch—disqualified from championship.  The battle would go down in Camp Wawanakwa history, and not in a good way. 

It all started when Chris hired the 16th season's camp staff, some of which had been recommended to him by his not-all-that-trusty assistant, Noah Hayden. The list of new hires was as follows:

Red Team:
Girl's Staff Lead-Heather Wilson
Boy's Staff Lead-Alejandro Burromuerto

Blue Team:
Girl's Staff Lead-Lindsay Mills
Boy's Staff Lead-Cody Anderson

Green Team:
Girl's Staff Lead-Courtney Barlow
Boy's Staff Lead-Duncan Nelson

Yellow Team:
Girl's Staff Lead-Bridgette Fairlie
Boy's Staff Lead-Geoff Petronijevic

Purple Team:
Girl's Staff Lead-Sierra Obonsawin
Boy's Staff Lead-Tyler Oldring

Orange Team:
Girl's Staff Lead-Beth Gadon
Boy's Staff Lead-DJ Bennett

Seemingly a good batch of 19-year-olds, minus the delinquent required to do community service work, the influence this group had on the camp's reputation could prove detrimental, all because of a love triangle gone wrong, but let's start at the beginning...

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