5: Burning Flame

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A/N: If you're skipping around until you find the first major plot divergences, you're gonna want to read this chapter.


Track: Sunlight, Hozier

I take Will as far as I can, heading toward the center of the city. I have no idea where he lives, but I figure he should be able to get home if I drop him off near a metro. Will stars begging for his life if I fly too high, so I have no chance of using the clouds for cover—instead, I'm forced to just go as fast as I can and dodge police cars as they come.

A reporter's car chases me for a block or two—I can hear the reporter shouting about how I've kidnapped Sunburst, who is still currently begging for his life, and I'm really starting to think about just dropping him. However, luckily for Will, I owe him a favor after he healed those burns. (He did also give me those burns, but it was unintentional, so I'll let it slide.)

"Where are you taking me?" Will screams, and I roll my eyes. I think he might puke all over me if I keep flying so fast, but if I slow down, the cops will catch me. Guess that means I'll have to land and hide somewhere—good, that means I can drop off Sunburst in an alley and leave this whole mess behind me.

I take a sharp turn, heading higher and higher so that I can land on a parking garage. It'll at least give me some time to set Will down and deal with whatever stupid tricks he's going to try before I fly away again.

Will, at the moment, is absolutely losing his mind as we get farther and farther from the ground. I hold onto him tightly by wrapping my arms under his ribcage. His hands and legs clutch me like he's about to die—which is probably appropriate.

"I'm sorry I called you 'Kitten!'" he cries. "Please don't drop me!"

"You're so annoying," I grunt as his fingernails dig into my back from terror. "I won't drop you; I'm not a murderer."

This does not calm him down at all. In fact, even once I finally land on the top of the parking garage, he does not let go of me. His eyes are tightly shut, and I can feel his chest rising and falling rapidly against my own.

"We've landed," I tell him. Slowly, he peeks his eyes open.

His entire body relaxes when his eyes confirm for him that we are, in fact, no longer in the air. He melts off of me and takes a deep, gasping breath for air.

"Is there something you wanted from me so badly that you made me fly you across the city, or are we done here?" I ask as he tries to convince himself that he is not dead.

He straightens, and there's a sheen of sweat covering the bits of skin visible to me. "Uh, right," he says. "Right, right, right. I want information."

"What else is new?" I ask.

The police sirens are loud—they're searching the area; I think I can hear shouting. The officers must be leaving their cars now to go search all the nearby buildings. They'll be here soon.

Will seems to realize that too—he grabs my hand and yanks me to the side. I stumble but follow him between two large trucks. He pushes me against one and then puts one hand on either side of my head, blocking me from trying to fly away. I give him a bored look.

"My family is expecting me," I tell him. My mother really will be—she probably has dinner ready. My stomach rumbles. "I don't have time for this."

"It'll take five minutes."

"I could be home in that much time by air. What's your point?"

He flashes a smile. "Teach me to fly, and we can talk on the way."

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