7: Hit 'Em

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Track: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid, The Offspring

Will is glaring daggers at Luke—he must hate this guy. I don't think Will even looks at me that way. I did not expect a high school bully to earn contempt like this from him.

Finally, I spit at Luke, "See you in Hell, then." I throw another ball of darkness at Luke, but he's expecting it this time and dodges. I try to run past him, but he's too large and too quick—he grabs me by the arm. Looks like this will be a physical fight, then.

I throw a punch to Luke's chin, and I can hear Will struggling behind me.

"Ghost, I could really use some help over here!" he says. Well, couldn't we all?

"Backup!" Luke calls, and suddenly there are more people pouring in from the living room. The odds have to be five-to-one or worse at this point—can I take that many people in hand-to-hand combat?

I throw a shadow at a guy's head, and he grunts and falls back, but others are swarming me. Luke manages to shove me against the wall, and all the air is expelled from my lungs. I cough, but then his fist is plunging into my stomach, and fuck

"Let go of me!" I heard Will shout. I wondered if he thought maybe they'd listen or if he was doing it for effect again. Either option was just as likely.

A ball of light hits Luke in the side of the head, and he howls and lets go of me. I'm half blind now too, but I use my good eye to keep fighting—two women jump at me together, and my fist connects with one of their noses. The other one grabs me and twists an arm behind my back. I try kicking at her shin.

Will cries out in pain—they've punched him. For a brief moment, I manage to meet his eyes from the other side of the hall. They've got him pinned against a wall, and they're working on finding a way to contain his light.

"Ghost King," he says, and there's intent behind it. He's trying to convey some hidden message to me, but I have no fucking idea what he's trying to say. Someone needs to teach him communication skills!

I twist and manage to get my arm free from the woman, but then Luke is there again, and he stomps on my foot hard. I gasp and stumble a little—and then he drives his fist into my jawbone, and my mouth fills with the coppery taste of blood.

"One last chance," Luke offers. "You're sure you're ready to die for this?"

I spit on him.

Will shouts again: "Ghost King! What did I say to you yesterday?"

"You fucking called me kitten," I growl, and I have no idea how this connects with anything, and I think the situation is really too desperate for his stupid torture methods to matter anyway. I try twisting out of Luke's firm grip, but he doesn't let go of me.

He raises his fist.

"The other thing!" Will cries.

The other thing? He told me lots of things yesterday! He never shuts up!


The thing he told me with Luke. Shield my eyes?

I shut my eyes tight, and the moment they're closed, I hear the cacophonous sound of a dozen people being blinded. Light flashes on the other side of my eyelids. Luke's grip on me loosens, and I immediately shove him off me.

"Thanks," I say, briefly appreciating the dozen people groaning and covering their eyes. "What did you do to them?" I don't know why I ask—it's pretty obvious that he's blinded everyone, except when you see a room full of people whose eyes are burning horribly, the question just comes out naturally. It comes out just a bit harsher than intended, but Will grabs my hand and heads for the bedroom with the open window, so he must know I don't mean any harm.

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