April 13th:

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Today I got my 10th hour of driving done which is honestly the most interesting thing that's happened today.

So far I'm improving by a little when it comes to the road. Being less scared of the highway, learning to turn on time, keeping in my lane and not swerving and all that stuff. It's still a little terrifying for I can only drive for so much every week when my dad isn't busy. It's been getting better though and each time I'm making and learning my mistakes as I go.
Like the mistakes I made today weren't a lot but still I needed to hear it.
For instance at the first stop sign of the day I failed to break on time and stopped just a little ways past the stop sign. Not dangerously past thankfully but not good enough to be considered 100% good driving.
Another thing was at the end of my session before I pulled up to my driveway I forgot to look both ways before crossing. It was a suburban area and there weren't any cars but still I failed to pay attention when I was supposed to. This is probably because I was focused on getting home and driving that I failed to remember to do this.
Paying attention is also what I was barely able to do. I know I need to focus on the road but I've been taught to also check my surroundings and be aware of what's going on. I don't know how to do that if multitasking is the key to excellent driving. It's hard when my main focus is on the road and trying to be better. But sometimes I zone out a little too so even when I see a possible hazard I tend to not think quickly enough. Thankfully no accidents or anything happened but still.
I'm worried about myself and wonder if I'm mentally doing okay. But clearly I need to read my drivers book more and relax my mind as well as my body.

I try not to dwell on this even though it's something I need to remember well. But still I'm incredibly scared of what will happen. But if I relax and stick to the practicing, listen to my dad and do things when he tells me to I'll be doing fine on my own soon.

Another interesting thing that happened was my sister made berry rolls. They're like cinnamon rolls but instead of a cinnamon filling they have a berry filling instead. They were good, although the bread-park could be a little sweeter. But hey! My sister is trying here. I still give them an 8/10. The frosting was a bit buttery, a little too buttery actually.

That's all I can think of that's interesting, until next time, goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2024 ⏰

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