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Mitchell's POV
I wake up and Bee is still sleeping. I go to the kitchen to make us breakfast.

I take out everything and get started.

Bee's POV
I'm in a cold dark room and I can hardly see anything. Just then I see a shadow appear and starts coming towards me.

"No stop please!!" I scream but he only gets closer.

He grabs my wrist and brings me to face him. He drags me into another room.

"No please." I say.

Just then I wake up to Mitchell shaking me.

"Oh my god Bee are you okay?" He asks.
"It was another bad dream, but it gets closer and closer each time." I reply.
"Well you're okay now. Come on I made breakfast." I say.

I know this is short but I wanted to get something out. Sorry for the lack of updates.

Lovestruck (A Straubee FanFiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora