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Bee's POV
After the convention we all went out to dinner. I was across from Mitchell who was making faces at me the whole time. I kick him from under the table.

"Ow that hurt! Guys Bee just kicked me!!" He says.
"It didn't hurt ya!" I laugh.
"Guys you're cute and all but stop flirting, I'm trying to eat here!!" Graser says.

I see Graser snickering at Straub and we are both blushing.


Once we all finish our meals we head back to the house.

We all go into our rooms and start to get ready for bed. I'm dressed and Mitchell walks over to me in only boxers and wraps his arms around me.

"I love you." He says kissing my forehead.
"You're cute." I say.
"You're fucking beautiful." He whispers into my ear giving me shivers down my spine.

He leans down and kisses me. This wasn't like our normal kisses. It was soft and gentle yet full of passion. He continued down to my neck making me moan quietly. He trails my collarbone with kisses. He moves back up to my lips gently biting the lower one.

Before I know it I'm laying on the bed with him on top of me as we are still kissing.

"Mitchell, I can't do this." I say.
"I'm sorry, I forgot." He replies.
"I'm just not ready to give you my body yet." I say.
"I totally understand. I love you Bee." He says.
"I love you too Mitchell." I reply.

I finally update!! Interesting stuff, I know. I hope you enjoyed! Love ya'll!

Lovestruck (A Straubee FanFiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora