Chapter One - Hey, Dumbass

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Foster's eyes scanned the street. She gripped the edge of the building tightly, keeping her head low to avoid being seen from the ground; keeping herself concealed by the small wall that lined the building's roof. Her brows crinkled in confusion, only seeing walkers stumbling around the abandoned city street.

"You heard that right?" she muttered, turning her gaze to Glenn who also was peering over the side of the building to see the horde of walkers below them. The sound of hooves echoed through Foster's mind, she turned her eyes back to the ground.

"Yeah," Glenn whispered back, "what idiot would go on the streets?" Foster shrugged absentmindedly, eyes still searching for an answer. The fast hoofbeats once again echoed through the air, Foster craned her neck in an attempt to see farther down the abandoned city street. She squinted before her hazel eyes grew wide, a man riding a horse down the street catching her attention. Her breath caught in her throat as her eyebrows shot up in suprise.

"Oh my god," Foster mumbled as she stared at the lone rider.

"What?" Glenn asked in an almost excited tone, he scooted over to stand next to her, his shoulder bumping hers as the older boy crouched down beside her.

"Some dude is riding a horse down the block," Foster whispered, glancing over to Glenn. Foster's breath hitched as the pair watched the rider quickly become trapped, the horde of walkers surrounding him as his horse panicked. What moron would risk taking a horse through the city? Foster's eyes grew wide as the horse reared, sending the rider to the ground, the horse shrieking as the walkers swarmed it. Foster frowned deeply as the horse was pulled down by the horde.

"Shit," Glenn mumbled. Foster squinted before pointing excitedly, the horse's pained cries echoing between the buildings.

"There he is!" she shouted, happy to see the man had scrambled away from where his horse had just become lunch. The man quickly crawled under a tank that had been abandoned in the middle of the street, the walkers stumbling after him. Foster winced as gunshots echoed through the air. Glenn quickly pulled her away from the edge, holding her tight to his side as they ducked behind the small wall. They both held their breath as gunshots continued to echo through the air. Foster pushed some of the golden brown hair that had fallen from her braid out of her eyes before looking up to Glenn who still had a tight hold on her. "Do you think he's smart enough to crawl in through the bottom of the tank?" she whispered. Glenn looked down to the younger girl, a tinge of fear swimming through his eyes.

"Hopefully," he murmured back, slowly letting go of her, standing to his full height. Foster sighed, standing up, her eyes looking back to the herd of walkers that now surrounded the tank. She turned her attention back to Glenn, offering him a small smile. In the past two or so months the pair had grown close, Glenn happily welcoming Foster as a younger sister figure and Foster clinging to him for stability amid her uncle's wrath in the group. She feared everyday that Merle would get her, her father, and himself kicked out or killed with his lack of decency alongside his racist and sexist ways. Foster took a shallow breath, snapping her attention to the present. Her eyes flicked over to the radio that was pressed against the short wall on the building's edge.

"The tank would have a radio in it, wouldn't it?" Foster asked softly, looking between Glenn and the radio.

"I don't see why not," Glenn said, an excited grin slipping onto his face. The pair quickly moved to the radio, crouching around it. Foster peaked her head over the building's edge once more, the walkers that had been trying to get into the tank had seemed to lose interest, some opting to shuffle towards where a large group was feasting on the man's horse. Her nose scrunched up in disgust despite the tinge of hope that rippled through her for the man.

"They're getting bored," Foster said, excitement seeping into her voice. The girl looked over to Glenn who was flipping through the static channels. The pair paused when one of the channels was clear, they both grinned at each other.

"Hey, you. Dumbass," Glenn said into the radio, "You in the tank. You cozy in there?" 

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