Chapter Four - I Remember My Dream Now

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Foster slowly blinked, staring up at the RV's ceiling. She swallowed dryly, her head pounding. A small groan escaped from between her lips as she forced her eyes completely open. Lori gently dabbed a damp rag on the girl's forehead, hushing her softly. Foster lulled her head over to look at the woman, wincing as the movement made her brain feel like it was sloshing around the inside of her skull. Lori pursed her lips and shook her head angrily.

"Your daddy is gonna kill Ed," Lori muttered, brushing some of Foster's hair away from her eyes. Foster snorted in agreement. Carl walked into the RV, his eyes growing wide at the sight of Foster laid out across the couch.

"Fos what happened?" he asked. Foster closed her eyes, his words seemed to bound off the inside of her skull, rattling her brian.

"Tripped," Foster mumbled, "hit my head." Lies, the same bullshit she would tell her dad when he would get home from his graveyard shifts after Merle would get drunk and angry. Foster took a shaky breath. Carl sat down beside her on the small couch, concern swimming in his eyes. He looked up to his mother.

"Is she gonna be okay?" he asked Lori softly. Lori nodded silently, a look of concern still stuck to her face. Foster rolled her head back to its original position, deeming it comfier, closing her sore eyes.

"She's got a nasty concussion but Dale said she'll be okay," Lori said as she looked up to her son, "why don't you watch her for a bit, make sure she rests." Carl nodded, taking his mothers seat on a lawn chair they had brought into the RV. Lori made her way outside, leaving Carl and Foster alone.

"You didn't trip," Carl whispered, his voice more than accusatory. Foster opened one of her eyes, looking up at him in annoyance.

"Ed," she grumbled, closing her eye. Carl grasped her left hand, holding it tightly in both of his. The pair sat in a comfortable silence, Foster keeping her eyes closed.

"Shane beat him up pretty good," Carl said, breaking the silence. Foster nodded slowly, keeping her eyes closed. This was not her first concussion but it sure hurt like hell. Her neck and shoulders felt stiff, her head throbbed.

"After your momma brought you back up here Ed tried to hit Carol, I got caught in the crossfire," Foster breathed, "well, I jumped into the middle, bad habit." A small grin worked its way onto her face, an absolute shit eating grin. Carl looked at her, confused.

"Why are you smiling?" Carl asked. Foster giggled a bit.

"Cause he's never gonna hit Carol or Sophia again," Foster whispered. She sat up, wobbling a little bit.

"Hey lay back down Fos, Dale said you need to rest," Carl said quickly trying to lay her back down. Foster uttered something under her breath, smacking his hands away as she stumbled up.

"I want fresh air," Foster sighed, "this trailer reeks like an old guy." Carl smiled at her, nodding in agreement. The pair slowly made their way out of the trailer, meandering over to where Lori and Carol were sitting by the cooking fire. Both women looked up with worried expressions.

"I couldn't contain her," Carl said with a grin, standing beside where Foster plopped down onto a lawn chair. Lori shrugged, a small smile replacing her look of worry. Foster looked to Carol who looked like she was on the verge of tears. Foster offered her a smile and a thumbs up from where she sat. Carol's lip quivered as she smiled back.

"Oh, baby. Will you look at that?" Morales cheered from across the fire, standing up and pointing behind Foster. Andrea walked past handing Morales a chain of fish. "Hey, check it out. Ladies... Because of you my children will eat tonight. Thank you," Morales said happily, Lori clapped. Foster leaned back in her chair, her mouth almost watering at the sight of the fish. Her stomach growled.

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