The Beginning of the End

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Post Prank - Marauders aren't speaking to Sirius
Snow coated the grounds, frost covered the windows. All the students of Hogwarts were milling around, many having snowball fights. The castle's atmosphere was cosy and warm, quite the opposite of how the eldest brother felt.

Suddenly, a large 'bang!' came from outside the drawn curtains of Sirius' bed. The boy scoffed, presuming it was another snowball hitting his window.

"Sirius Motherfucking Black!" came a voice from outside. Sirius jumped, the voice matching that of whom he was currently not speaking to, after a rather large fight. "What do you want, Remus." He was trying his best to sound confident, though internally he was terrified.

"To talk to you, asshole." Remus replied. Sirius realized then that Remus hadn't forgiven him, not that he expected him to. Sirius opened the curtains on his bed, now face to face with the scarred boy infront of him.

"You staying here over the holidays?" Remus asked, his tone irritable. Sirius didn't reply. Since first year he hadn't spent Christmas with his family, doing whatever he could do avoid them. "Well fucking answer me, Black." Remus repeated, getting annoyed. Sirius shrugged, mumbling. "I don't know yet." he was trying to keep himself calm, though this interaction was mirroring that of his mother's very deeply.

When Remus didn't respond, Sirius began to ramble. "Remus I'm sorry I actually am, I didn't think he'd actually go and I didn't want him to I just didn't want him to keep picking on us and I wasn't thinking about what he'd do and I didn't think he'd tell people and I wasn't thinking about you and I-" The boy went quiet after seeing Remus' annoyed glare.

"It was really bitchy what you did, Black." Remus replied, he did want to forgive Sirius, though he couldn't bring himself to. Not yet.

"Stop calling me that you know I'm nothing like them!" the name affected Sirius more than people knew. More than Sirius himself knew as a matter of fact.

"After what you did you're everything like them!" Remus snapped, walking out. He couldn't bear to see Sirius' face after what he'd just said about the boy.

Life drained from Sirius. Realization kicked in. He was just like them. He hated that thought, though he knew it was entirely true.

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