Broken soul

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As the night draws in and all is still,
She huddles in a doorway and swallows a pill.
The winter chill penetrates her bones,
As she tries to ignore the wind that moans.
She has no place to stay nowhere to keep dry,
So she takes a pill that helps her fly to the sky.
It manipulates her mind and kisses her pain,
And for a short time she escaped from the ice cold Rain.

She wanders the street with a smile on her face,
and imagines she's dressed in fine white lace.
She stops by a tree and kneels to the ground,
and looks up to the sky like she's waiting to be found.
Reality hits her and reopens the scar,
And she looks into the distance at the oncoming car.
She feels dead inside, cold to her core
And she questions why she is still living for.
She's part of the street just litter on the floor.
She always prayed she'd be so much more.

Her shaking hand are placed on the tree, she pushed herself up and on the count of three,
She runs in front of the car in a bid to be free.
Blood mixed with mascara falls down her cheek,
as she drifts off into a permanent sleep.
She can finally rest in the dark cold night.
No longer does she have to fight.
For the woman who was made of a broken soul, is finally laid at peace

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