Chapter 8

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Autumn's POV

The evening had set faster then I expected. I had decided to go to my room after my sweet memory of my nana. I spent all day putting my clothes away and cleaning up the room a little. I decided to take a break and sit by the window seat admiring the night sky. The sky was turning a dark navy blue with a hint of oranges and pinks that reminded me of melted sherbet on the Fourth of July. The sight was amazing, it's moments like this where I wished I had my camera with me to capture the moments. Something clicked in my head, maybe he had a camera lying around somewhere? I went to his drawers and searched for one. Hopefully he wouldn't get mad if I used it, that's if he had one. After minutes of searching and almost giving up I did find one at the bottom of his dresser. It was taken good care of, it wasn't any of the newest ones out there but it was a good one. I turned it on and focused on the sky. I took a pic of it a couple of seconds after. The pic came out really good making all the blues and pinks stand out more. The moon was what astonished me the most. It was a full moon and so bright that it was almost unbelievable to my eyes. I started taking more pictures of things that called my attention in the room, as I was heading out to the hallway the light bulb in my head clicked on and a mischievous smile grew on my face. I tiptoed into the room that Adrian was staying in making sure that I was quiet as a mouse. Once I got to the door frame, I poked my head in and there on the bed I saw a very tired Adrian sleeping like a baby. My smile grew even wider just seeing him sleep. I plucked a feather out of his pillow and placed it under his nose making sure that I got it in so I was able to tickle him. At first he flinched his hand but brought it down slowly which made me giggle but I restrained myself from doing so. Then I went for it again and this time I got the camera ready. As soon as the feather touched his nose, his eye struck open with an expression of surprise which I knew was my cue to take a picture. His eyes struck big and wide as soon as he saw the flash, making him squint due to the blinding light. His face was priceless and when he saw me laughing he couldn't help but smile too. He took the camera from my hands and started taking pictures of me and I gave him the most silliest faces I possibly could which caused him to smile a genuine smile making me smile too. Snap!

Adrian's POV

She smiled. I took that as a chance to take a picture of her causing the flash of the camera to blind her for a mere second. She squinted her eyes and took the camera out of my hold and snapped a pic. She got up and ran out of the room giggling as I ran after her. Snap! Another flash. We were in the hallway and as I was running I tripped on the carpet and landed on the floor face first. Snap! She took the opportunity to take a pic and she fell on the floor laughing her ass off, causing me to burst into laughter too. I took the camera from her hands and snapped a picture of her laughing. After the laughing died out of us we looked at each other and smiled.

"Thanks," she says smiling.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"Well for everything. Making this situation not awkward and taking my mind off of things. And I just want to apologize for being rude the first time we met, you didn't know what was going on. You were just as confused as I was. It's because of me that your in this mess." She looked down so hurt.

"Hey, hey Autumn, don't worry about it. It's not your fault what those evil bastards did to us- did to you," I looked down not wanting her to see how mad the thought made me. "If I had the opportunity to save you again I would. Wouldn't think it twice." I smiled assuring her. Her eyes glinted sadly as a few tears slid down her eyes. She looked right at me and I didn't know what to do and all of a sudden she crashed right into me, her arms going around my neck and held on tight. She was hugging me. For a mere second I hesitated but then hugged her back. We stayed like that for a few seconds and then we pulled away. A pair of blue green eyes were looking straight at me, and then my eyes trailed down to her lips. At that point I noticed how close we were and so did she and our eyes grew wide and we pulled apart acting like nothing happened.

Autumn's POV

Our faces were so close. A few centimeters closer and our lips would've touched. I could smell his sweet minty breathe. Something in my head told me this was wrong. Adrian was a great guy, but he was still a stranger. These mixed feelings are the cause of me at my lowest point and him being there when I'm all alone. So I noticed what was going to happen if I hadn't pulled away. I think it's best to keep my distance, since the worst isn't over. Austin and his men are still out there looking for me, and we need to think of something before they find us.   It grew silent, but I needed to break it or else this moment that I needed so much to feel alive again would disappear. "Hey can I see the pics we took?" I reached out my palm to him. He placed the camera in my hands and smiled. I put up the pictures and started from the last one we took causing me to giggle slightly. I went back and back to the previous ones and they made me smile. Until I reached one that I didn't recognize. The scenery was different, it seemed to be in the summer. There were two faces in the picture, one that I noticed real well and another one that was new to me. The face that I recognized was Adrian's and he was smiling straight at the camera a bright beautiful smile making me smile to, but the other face wasn't smiling, her head was turned away from the camera towards Adrian. She had long curly black hair and flawless face features, her eyes were squinted so I couldn't see them well. My eyes trailed down to her lips which caught my attention more. Her lips were attached to his cheek. She was kissing him on the cheek. That made me feel weird inside and I wasn't sure why. But something inside me made me ask.

"Adrian?" He looked up right at me smiling. "Who is she?" I blurted out. His eyes landed on the camera and his smiled faltered into a serious one.


Kidnapping was not part of the plan!!! Neither was falling in love!!!!Where stories live. Discover now