Chapter 5

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Adrian POV

After dinner was over we sat down to talk more about the situation. I couldn't quite understand why they would want to kidnap her and what that Austin kid wanted with her. He probably would have gotten his way with her if I hadn't come in to get her. The thought of him touching her got me angry. Woah. What the hell am I saying? Well Its perfectly okay to be mad, I mean the thought of rape is disgusting. Some one would have to be real sick in the head to be able to commit such a crime. It's sickening. I looked over to where she was sitting. She was wearing my baseball jersey from when I use to play back in my old high school. The shirt came down to her knees. Even though she was wearing spandex shorts I had laying around, her small frame made it seem like a dress she looked adorable in it. She was barefoot which I'm a sucker for barefoot girls in a dress err um shirt, you get the point. I looked up to her face and she had her hair down. Her plummy red lips just sending tingly feelings down my spine her eyes were glowing and staring right at me. Right at me. I rapidly looked away before she noticed my embarrassment for getting caught starring at her. She giggled. Damn it she caught me.

Autumn Pov

I giggled. I noticed he can be a dork at times. If I were to know that he would of been my kidnapper I would've laughed my ass off. " So Adrian, what's the plan?" I asked.

He turned his head towards me. "I have no clue." he responded. "First we need to go stock up on food and necessities, and then think of a plan. We obviously can't go back to new york, those guys are looking for us, probably have our homes surrounded. They can hurt someone close to us."

Adrian was right Austin and his men could have our homes surrounded. Spying on our families to see if we go running home. That would be the first place to check. "So where do we get the money? " I asked.

"My uncle always has stashed money incase for emergencies. And with what Austin payed me from-" he stopped right in his tracks when he realized what the effect of his name caused me. I smiled weakly assuring him to continue. "Umm well you know, we could use that to buy the stuff. Theres a supermarket a few miles from here, we can take Marie-Anne ."

"Marie-Anne?" Who's that I wondered.

Adrian let out a hearty laugh noticing my confused expression. "That's my uncle's car. He named it after some lady eloped with her boyfriend and ran away to florida. Uncle says that it use to be her car. Not once has that car failed him."

"Why can't we take the car we arrived in?" I asked bluntly.

"Oh yes! So that one of Austin's men can find us?"

Ooops. Didn't think about that. " Well, well...I call shot gun!" I shrieked.

" Who else would've called it?? Your the only one here besides me!" He flustered.

" I know."


The car ride there was silent. I decided to turn on some tunes. The song 'Trouble' by Taylor Swift was playing. I would sing to it but I was kind of shy to sing in front of Adrian what if he thought I was a bad singer. So I decided to lean my head on the window and press my head against the cold glass. I looked out and saw little mini farms just like the ones we were staying at. Far in the back I could see horses and cows. It was something new considering I've always been I city girl. I've always wanted to ride a horse. I realized I still didn't know where we were at.

"Adrian where are we?" I asked. He took his eyes away from the road and looked at me.

"We are in Pennsylvania" I sighed. We were so far from home, and I wondered if my parents knew I was gone.

Kidnapping was not part of the plan!!! Neither was falling in love!!!!Where stories live. Discover now