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Chapter 01

A dark blue jumper skirt, baby collar blouse, polished black shoes. The distant melody of a piano played softly from the speakers, muffled slightly by the hum of the air conditioning. Rows of brown tables filled the space, contrasting with the pristine whiteboard at the front. In the center stood the teacher's table. And there, on the upper left of my jumper, a newly stitched tag proudly announced, "Year 12."

This is my last year of high school at Rosalind School, a school that I've been studying at since I was in pre-school. Some would say that I am homegrown, and I agree. I've been here all my life.

Truthfully, nothing much has changed.

Until everything I expected to happen this year turned out the complete opposite.

First day of class; I come inside my classroom and everyone greets me with a smile, as they always do. I say, "Good morning!", and my classmates will say the same. They will say more greetings, maybe one or two compliments while I will sit in front, put my blue backpack on my seat, and look at my classmates who are gathered behind me and say, "So, how was everyone's school break?"

I will then listen to all their stories. Nod, smile, and say a few words like "Wow", "That's great!", "And then?", then after that, they'll ask how my school break was. And I'll answer with something simple. "It was fine."

Then after that, my class adviser, Ms. Vital will arrive. She will ask us to settle down. I will go back to my seat gratefully because Ms. Vital interrupted my conversation with my classmates. She will check the attendance. The first name she will say is;

"Ms. Abad, Liezandra Noelle."

My back straightened upon hearing the first name called. Abad and not Abellon. My eyes gazed at the girl beside me. Tan skin, braided hair, and a wide smile as she raised her right arm adorned with a shell bracelet.

"Present, Miss," Liezandra Noelle Abad declared with a bright smile.

Ms. Vital's slender figure stood gracefully, her warm smile radiating assurance as she nodded in acknowledgment. Lowering her gaze to her folder, she swiftly jotted down a note before lifting her eyes again to address us, the attentive students seated before her.

"Next, Ms. Abalos, Maria Catalina, Yuchengco."

My right hand raised as my lips said, "Present, Miss."

"For the first time Cat is not G1," my classmate from behind me said in wonder.

"You know what it's like to be second place now," one joked.

Only it wasn't a joke. It was a joke then, it's no longer a joke now. It is far, far worse. And it all started when everything I thought I prepared for was tossed down the drain.

All that expectation only for this to happen; On the first day of school, as I walked toward the classroom, I was surprised to hear loud laughter instead of the usual quiet chatter I expected.

The pace of my feet walking to the door hastened. I paused and peeked at the glass to see what was going on. All the girls were circling a seat as they giggled at some joke someone was saying.

My brows furrowed. What is so funny anyway?

I opened the door, creating a loud creaking sound, abrupting their laughing session. They all looked at me, still smiling from whatever was said before I had made my presence known.

"Hey, Cat."

A forced smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I tightened my grip on the door handle. My gaze swept over each of them, taking in their familiar appearance: the crisp white baby collar, the dark blue jumper skirt, and the polished black shoes. It was the same uniform that hadn't altered for years, like the unchanging rhythm of my life at Rosalind School.

"Good morning," I still managed to say.

"Morning," they all muttered then turned back to whoever was speaking in front.

My brows furrowed at the sight.

Not one word afterward.

I awkwardly walked to the vacant seat near the door. I would usually sit on the front middle seat, but with all the girls standing there, some seated on the tables, how could I?

I glanced towards the teacher's table and there she was, the person who would soon take my place. Little did I know it at the time. She sat perched atop the table, legs casually spread, her posture relaxed as she erupted into hearty laughter. She didn't even bother covering her mouth. She was the source of the loud laughter that had caught my attention earlier.

I placed my backpack under the table and then sat on my seat. I checked my wristwatch. 7:55. I heard Miss Vital arrives exactly on time. Maybe she will come soon.

Then, the complete opposite happened. The morning ceremony and prayer had already ended and she still wasn't in the classroom. She arrived ten minutes late. Her excuse? She had to change the class composite because there was a new student.

My classmates' chuckles still echoed in my brain even after the attendance.

"Now, let's start with the introduction. I know we all know each other, but not all," Miss Vital smiled knowingly at the new girl beside me. "Please state your name, nickname, hobbies, interests, and a little more if you want. Miss Abad?"

Liezandra Noelle Abad smiled. I just realized she had dimples on her left cheek. She stood up and clasped her hands.

"Good morning, Miss!" She turned around and faced the class, "Good morning classmates! I'm Liezandra Noelle Abad. I'm the reason why Miss got late."

That joke earned chuckles from the room. I just furrowed my brows.

"You can call me Lizzy. I... Hmm, what do I like?"

Another set of chuckles.

I rolled my eyes. It's not even funny.

"I like to cook and I play football. I read sometimes, but not that much. Mostly in Wattpad. Don't judge me," Eliza placed her hands up as if she were guilty.

My classmates laughed. Again.

"If you listen to girl in red, message me anytime."

Some gasped, some giggled, some even said 'Oh my God', as if her statement was some confession or whatever.

"And I hope we can all be friends," she grinned.

Everyone unanimously clapped, even Miss Vital. Liezandra Noelle bowed then turned to me.

"I will pass the mic now to our former G1," Eliza pretended to pass a mic to me.

I furrowed my brows at her, then turned to Miss Vital. I gave her my usual sweet smile which she responded to with her own. I turned around and faced my classmates.

"Most of you know me by now. My name is Maria Cata-"

Multiple discussions overpowered my words. I cleared my throat.

"Maria Catalina. You may call me-"

"Class, someone is speaking. Please listen."

Immediately, the whispers died down. But I saw on their faces the eagerness to talk.

To talk to her.

That was just the tip of the iceberg, the faint rumble before the storm, signaling the ruining of all my I had in mind.

The next days were like a slap on the face.


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