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Chapter 08

"My gosh, Cate. You said that?"

Two girls sat on the bench adjacent to me. One girl has brown hair, wide eyes, fair skin, and a straight nose—your typical mestiza. The other has jet black hair in a low bun and bangs almost covering her thin almond eyes, and button nose—your typical chinita. Who's next? A morena?

"Hey, Cat," a girl with jet black hair in a high ponytail, protruding eyes, and a concerned look on her face. Oh, and she's a morena.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Everyone is a walking stereotype over here.

"You good?" the girl who just stood in front of the two asked.

"She was called to the discipline office, Zeph," Emma whispered, but it turned out to sound loud. I don't think Emma ever knows how to whisper.

Zeph's lips formed into an 'o'. She whispered something I couldn't hear. Cate looked back at me and said something quietly. Now there are three people looking at me.


When I decided I'll be an asshole to Cate, I didn't realize how influential she is to the Rosalind School community. After what Cate said, instead of people taking pity on me, they all glared at me and left. I was bewildered at the sight, but seeing Marci and Portia looking away guiltily, I realized the gravity of what I did.

I couldn't fathom that Cate could say what she said. I'm not even mad at her for what she said. I'm mad about her going that low.

I don't even know how she even got to that conclusion. I mean, it's true. But I never revealed that about myself.

I never had plans to either.

"Cate, Lizzy, please come inside."

My eyes shifted to the slightly opened door of the discipline office where Ms. Paula was standing. I heard a lot about our discipline officer. That she's strict, ruthless, but understanding. But you can't exactly see that because of her soft demeanor.

I glanced at Cate who was sitting down while her friends stood beside her at both sides, her eyes hanging low. I arched my brow and immediately went inside, Cate following later.

For some reason, I didn't feel nervous at all. It's not my first time being invited to the discipline office, but Cate has been shaking since we arrived. Her eyes couldn't even leave the table. Her bangs were a bit disheveled, but her low bun remained intact.

We were sitting on a square table adjacent to one another. The cold wind coming from the air conditioner brushed my skin, making me slightly shiver. Cate on the other hand was wearing a white faux fur jacket that made her look like a rabbit hugging herself.

The door creaked open, drawing my attention away from Cate. There stood Coach Tes, her jaw clenched and eyes blazing. She crossed the room in quick, determined strides, her hands balled into tight fists.

Coach Tes didn't bother with pleasantries. She sat down abruptly, her posture rigid and tense. Without so much as a greeting, she launched straight into the matter at hand.

"Do you want to win the regionals?"

My eyes darted at Cate. Her eyes were on Coach Tes nervously. She nodded, her eyes welling up.


I looked away and nodded.

"Then stop acting like children. I'm not going to let the discipline office handle this because I want this to be fixed, just between the two of you. Both of you were wrong and I don't know how this happened but I want this to be done immediately. You're in a team and we need teamwork to succeed. Do you want to succeed?"

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