Jam + Jaiden fluff

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(A/N: they go on a double date. This takes place after all stars.)

Aidens pov:

James and I were on our way to the beach for a double date with Tom and Jake. I brought snacks and drinks, and Tom and Jake would bring a blanket and some other stuff for entertainment.

"Are you excited?" I ask James, it had been about 3 months since we last saw them. "Yeah, you?" He asked. "I am. It's been a while, and I can't wait."

After about 10 minutes, we arrived. Tom and Jake just arrived as well.

I pull Jake in for a hug, then Tom.

"Hey guys, how have you been?" James asks. "I've been doing good." Tom says. "Yeah, me too." Jake says.

"We've been doing good as well." I say.

We get to the beach. We place everything down and sit down.

"Let's go swim." James says.
"Maybe later." I say. Jake didn't want to go swim either, so Tom and James went swimming together.

Toms pov:
James and I go for a swim.

"There's something I wanna ask Jake. I want to propose to him." James laughs. "Wait, I wanted to propose to aiden too."

We both laugh. "Why not do it right after each other?" I say. "Maybe we could do it together at the same time."
"That would be smart."
"Okay, so should we do it together then?" I ask.
"Yeah, let's do that." James says.

Meanwhile, with the other 2
Aidens pov:

"So I have to tell you something important." Jake says.

"What's up?" I say.

"So I got diagnosed with BPD." He says

"Oh really? If I'm gonna be honest, I did suspect it." I say

"Yeah, it was quite obvious. I mean, Tom has autism. You probably were aware of that." He says.

"Oh yeah, he told me somewhere during all stars."

We continue to talk a bit more until James and Tom come back.

"So, what were you guys talking about?" They ask.

"Oh, just about some random things." Jake answers.

I interrupt. "Does anyone want any snacks?"

They all nod as I place some strawberries, homemade mini sandwiches, garlic bread, and some other things on the blanket.

We all start eating. In the meantime, we talk about random things.

Suddenly, James interrupts the conversation, looking at Tom, who nods.

"So Tom and I wanted to ask you guys something."

Both Jake and I have a confused look on our faces.
They pull out a ring, at the same time, with the same question.
"Will you marry me."
"Yes!" We both say as we both share a kiss with our lover.

After the proposal, we decided to shoot pictures for our social media. The fans will go insane, but of course, we text our families and some contestants from our seasons first.

Jake and I take a picture together so both of us can post it on our instagrams.

After a bit, we decided to go home.



- Sander, 503 words

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