Confronting Shadows

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After Emily and Mark left the attic, they made their way back to their room in silence. Emily's mind was still reeling from her encounter with Sebastian, and she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within her. As soon as they entered the room, Emily reached for her bag, pulling out her laptop with a sense of urgency.

"What are you doing?" Mark asked, his brow furrowing in confusion. "I thought we agreed to take a break from work on this trip."

"I know, I know," Emily replied hastily, her fingers flying over the keyboard as she powered up her laptop. "But I just remembered that I have to write a quick paper. It's due in a few days, and I really need to get it done."

Mark sighed, a hint of disappointment evident in his voice. He had been hoping to spend some quality time with Emily on their getaway, but he knew better than to argue with her when she was focused on something. With a resigned shrug, he settled down beside her on the bed, trying to hide his disappointment.

Emily quickly opened her web browser, her mind racing with thoughts and questions. She started by Googling things like ghosts, spirits, and strange voices, hoping to find some answers to the mysteries that had plagued her since their arrival at Grunwald Manor. But as she delved deeper into her research, her attention was drawn to something else entirely.

Grunwald Manor.

Emily's fingers hovered over the keyboard as she typed in the search query, her heart pounding in her chest. She scrolled through the search results, her eyes scanning the headlines of news articles and blog posts detailing the history of the infamous mansion.

And then, she saw it.

A news story, dated many years ago, detailing the mysterious disappearance of a young man named Sebastian Burton. Emily's breath caught in her throat as she clicked on the article, her eyes scanning the words frantically for any clue as to the young man's fate.

According to the article, Sebastian had vanished without a trace while his family was working at Grunwald Manor, leaving behind no clues as to his whereabouts. Despite extensive search efforts by local authorities, he was never found, and his disappearance remained a mystery to this day.

Emily's mind raced with questions as she read the article, her heart heavy with a sense of foreboding. Could it be possible that the figure she had seen in the attic was Sebastian himself?

She continued to scour the internet for more information, searching for any mention of Sebastian or Grunwald Manor that could shed light on the strange events unfolding around her. But the more she searched, the more questions she had, and the deeper the mystery seemed to become.

As Emily delved deeper into her research, her focus became all-consuming. She was so engrossed in her search that she barely noticed when Mark called her name, his voice breaking through the silence of the room like a distant echo. "Emily, Emily, Emily," he repeated, each repetition growing more insistent.

Startled, Emily snapped out of her trance, closing her laptop with a hurried motion. Mark eyed her suspiciously, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "That doesn't look like you're writing a paper," he remarked, a playful smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

Emily shrugged, unable to meet his gaze. "I got a little distracted, that's all," she admitted sheepishly.

Mark grinned, an idea forming in his mind. "Well, how about we take a break from all this research and go for a swim?" he suggested, his eyes bright with excitement. "There's a pool at Grunwald Manor. What do you say?"

Emily's face lit up at the suggestion, grateful for the distraction. "That sounds perfect," she replied, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

As Mark began to change into his swimming trunks, there was a knock at the door. "Enter," he called out, not bothering to cover himself as Mrs. Grunwald stepped into the room.

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