Shadows and Secrets

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Despite the terrifying event with Veronica that had just occurred, one thing stayed on Emily's mind, and that was Sebastian. She knew she had to help him; he was her responsibility now.

Emily stood in the attic, her breath visible in the cold, dusty air. Shadows danced across the room, cast by the flickering light of the single bulb hanging from the ceiling. She called out softly, her voice trembling slightly. "Sebastian? Sebastian, are you here?"

For a moment, there was only silence. Then, as if materializing from the shadows themselves, Sebastian appeared before her, his form faintly glowing with an ethereal light.

"Emily," he greeted, his voice a soft whisper that seemed to echo around the attic.

Emily took a deep breath, her resolve firm. "Sebastian, I'm ready to hear your story. Please, tell me everything you remember."

Sebastian's expression was pained, his brow furrowing as he struggled to recall his past. "I told you I don't remember much," he admitted, frustration evident in his voice. "But I can start from the beginning, from what little I do remember."

Emily nodded, her eyes filled with determination. "Start from the beginning, then. Tell me everything."

Sebastian closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. As he began to speak, the world around Emily became more vivid, the sights and sounds of that summer day enveloping her senses. She could hear the laughter of the workers, the chirping of birds, and the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze. She could feel the warmth of the sun on her skin and smell the fresh scent of newly cut wood mingling with the blooming flowers in the garden.

The scene around Emily morphed into a bustling construction site. She could see the skeletal frame of Grunwald Manor, scaffolding surrounding it as workers moved about, hammering and sawing.

"It was the summer," Sebastian began, his voice filled with nostalgia. "As I told you my family... we grew up poor," he began, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "My father found work as a painter. It became a family business, something we did together." "My family arrived at Grunwald Manor for Work. The house was only half-built then, a grand structure in the making."

A cab pulled up, and from it stepped Sebastian, his mother, father, sister, and another woman. They began unpacking their belongings from the vehicle, their faces lit with excitement and hope. They stood there for a moment, taking in the sight of the half-built mansion, smiling at the promise of a brighter future.

At the entrance of the manor stood a couple, waving and greeting them warmly. The man was tall and distinguished, his demeanor exuding authority and kindness. Beside him was a woman, whose beauty took Sebastian's breath away.

"The woman," Sebastian continued, his voice soft with reverence, "was the most beautiful I had ever seen. Her name was Lucille Grunwald."

The couple approached Sebastian's family, their smiles genuine and welcoming. "Welcome to Grunwald Manor," the man said, extending his hand. "I'm James Grunwald, and this is my wife, Lucille."

Sebastian's father shook James' hand, gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thank you, Mr. Grunwald. We are the Burtons. I'm Edward, and this is my wife, Betty, my son, Sebastian, my daughter, Elizebeth, and a family friend, Margaret."

Lucille smiled warmly at each of them, her gaze lingering on Sebastian for a moment longer than necessary. "We are so glad to have you here," she said, her voice melodic and kind. "I'm sure you'll love working here at Grunwald Manor."

James noticed the way Sebastian's gaze lingered on Lucille. His demeanor shifted subtly, his smile tightening. "Let's take a picture, shall we?" James suggested. "Betty and Edward, get over here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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