𝐨𝐧𝐞 / get out

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It's been exactly thirteen years since you had been born in this body. Well, not exactly thirteen- thirteen and three quarters, maybe.

That's not the point- what mattered was that you were thrown in a completely different life for no reason at all.

Yup, you have no idea why or what happened, there was no magical entity to welcome you into this brand new world!

Nothing interesting, this world was absolutely normal. No magic, no weird complex society, literally just the world in the 1940's.

You've learned to live with your family quite easily, they were all mad but you had gotten used to it.

It felt like you were growing up with one of those stereotypical 'girlboss' and 'malewife' couples....

" [name]! " Your aunt called out to you, breathing a sigh of relief. You raised your head and let go of the crayons you were holding.

" Yes? " You politely replied, giving her a curt bow of the head.

" Thank god I found you, here. Please go deliver this to Miss Nova down the street. " She hurriedly handed you a small box, letting out deep breaths.

" Go! Now! Please! " She urged you, grabbing a coat from the wardrobe and throwing it at you.

" Huh? " You muttered as she pushed you out of the front door.

" Go! " She repeated, slamming the door shut.

" ... "

Well, that just happened.

Putting on the fancy coat, you scoffed. What were you? Her slave? Well, no matter. You were bored out of your mind anyways.

Stuffing your hands into the pockets, you started walking down the side of the road.

" Good morning Mister Minkly! " " Good day, [name]! "

You greeted a few familiar faces along the way, the streets of London were busy this time of the day. Humming to yourself, you let the flowers growing into the park distract you, your head turned elsewhere when really you should have been paying attention to where you were walking.

Or correction, where you were walking into. Or who.

Huffing, you felt right on your butt and winced in pain. You had just slammed against somebody's broad back.

" I'm sorry" ' M' sorry! "

You two had spoke at the same time, and you watched in awe as a kid who was at least 2 meters tried his best to offer you a hand to stand up.

Pausing awkwardly for a few seconds, you gladly accepted his help. " 'M sorry, 's me fault I was standing in the middle o' the road! " He spoke in a weird accent, and you watched as his thick eyebrows furrowed, almost obscuring his eyes

He reminded you of somebody..

" Oh, no! It's okay! I wasn't looking at where I was going anyway! " You chuckled, brushing off the dust sitting on your clothes after the fall.

" You're tall. " You subconsciously pointed out, eyes full of curiosity.

Quickly regaining your composure, you clarified.

" I d-don't mean it in a bad way! It was more of a 'wow, this guy's so tall! Cool' ! " You coughed out, giving him an awkward smile.

" Oh, don' worry! i get tha' a lot. " He replied, his cheeks heating up from embarrassment.

" Tha' i'm tall. Not the cool part i mean- uhh.. " He paused, getting even more red.

" Well, sorry again for bumping into you...? " You raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to introduce himself.

" Hagrid. Rubeus Hagrid. " He gave you a big grin and offered his hand for you to shake.

" Yeh are? " He added, waiting for you to introduce yourself.

After standing still like an idiot for a few seconds, you started being responsive again.

Shaking his hand, you stuttered out an introduction. " I'm [name] Anastasìs. N-Nice to meet you, Hagrid... "

What the actual fuck.

Really? After all this time the universe finally gave you a sign? You were in the fucking HARRY POTTER universe?

On cue, you felt a letter drop right onto your head as an owl flew away.

Blinking a couple of times, you grabbed the letter.

Don't fucking tell me.

Staring wide eyed at the latter, you read it with shaky hands as Hagrid eyes you curiously.

Dear Mrs. Anastasìs,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Armando Dippet


" Wait, don' tell me..! yeh're a witch?! " He questioned, eyes wide with both surprise and excitement.

" What.. a witch? " You questioned out loud, furrowing your eyebrows.

You were so gonna have a heart attack.

𝕽𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐋 / potterverseWhere stories live. Discover now