Jaiden angst/Jaja(JakexJames) fluff

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(A/N: revenge tomden fic, I guess.)

James pov:

Today, I got to hear I am going back to camp. I'm planning on breaking up with Aiden. Yes, they kissed for the challenge, but I heard they did more than that from people who got voted out. I'm still upset about it.

On my way back to the camp. Kristal could be heard. "Campers, meet me at the dock in 10 minutes."

After 10 minutes, I was hiding behind a bush, everyone standing there. Even Aiden, who I thought would be my baby forever.

"I would like to announce James is back in the game, on team magenta. We brought him back for the drama, and so that challenges could be fair. today is a free day, so do whatever you want."

I had tears in my eyes, trying to keep  my cool. "Hey, James." Aiden said. "What?" I ask in a serious tone. "Are you mad at me?" He asks. "What do you think, Aiden." He sighs, "look, I'm sorry." he says. "Sorry, doesn't change a thing. I'm breaking up with you." Aiden was in shock, I just stood there, trying not to cry my eyes out. We both walk different ways.

When I get back to camp, I see the rest sitting there.
"Hey James, you seem down. what happened?" Jake asks. "Me and Aiden broke up." I say, trying not to cry. "Oh, I'm sorry. Come here, just cry it out." He says, and I do.

He didn't say a word. He just held me. "I'm just so mad at him. Why did he do that." I say. "I've been in the same situation you're in right now. It took me a while, but trust me, you'll be okay."

I smile at him. "Thank you, Jake." "Of course, James.

*Next morning.*

Still James pov:

I wake up. I slept horrible. I notice someone lying against me. It's Jake. He's still far asleep, and I blush at his sight. Wait, is it normal to move on so fast?

I feel him moving. He's awake, I think. "Mhm, wait uhm sorry James." He whispers. "It's fine.." I say, my face slightly red. "So, how do you feel."
"I didn't sleep too well, but overall, I'm okay."
"Mhm, okay." He says. He then kisses my forehead. I blush at this, it makes me want to kiss him, but I hold myself in. Untill..

He kisses me. He quickly pulls away. "Omg, I'm so sorry. I-" I cut him off and kiss him again, longer this time. I can taste his chapstick, Cherry flavored. (A/n: reference) I smile at him. "You're so pretty, I don't understand why Tom left you." I say. "Well, thank you, you are a pretty boy aswel." (A/N: another reference)



(The references are from the neighbourhood songs. :))
- Sander, 477 words

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