★~ Dates with lyney headcanon

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- before every date, he will always give you a bouquet full of different kinds of flowers! some might even be from outside fontaine. every bouquet he gave you always includes rainbow roses!

- private magic tricks? definitely yes! he's going to show you what other people have not before. magic tricks that's special only for you. even lynette won't even know this trick! in the process, he will definitely steal kisses!

- dinner dates? yes please! a classic but romantic dinner date with candle in the middle and a wine for each of you. he will literally pop up any food you'd like! being a magician's lover could bring some benefits for sure.

- idk if there's a ball- but if there is you both will match your dress and enjoy the night together. when the music starts playing he knows what he has to do.

- if you prefer something more private, he will take your hand to lead you to his balcony. placing his hand on your waist and the other one holding your hand in the air. you both danced, flowing into the rhythm of the slow, soft music.

- a simple 'stargazing with eachother' is enough for you both to feel the embrace of eachother. you both will snuggle in eachother's embrace as one talks about their day while the other one cherish them with love.

- cuddles before bed are a must!!! you both will probably take turns being the big spoon and the small spoon, depends on the mood hehe. he will smear kisses on to your skin.

~ small drabble ~
slow music was playing in the background as lyney and you slow danced on his balcony. his hand on your waist while your hand was on his shoulder. his and your other hand holding eachother's as high as his shoulder. your feet following a certain order of steps to match the rhythm of the music. you then laid your head on lyney's shoulder and close your eyes as lyney closes his too. the night being quiet except for the slow music in the background. even you and lyney didn't exchange words that much. the sky was dark but filled with shimmering stars. all though the stars were shining brightly as they could, lyney whispered in your ear, "there are many stars in the sky. but none of them shine as brightly as you do, my star".

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. thankyou for supporting! ୨♡୧

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